
My husband tells me he'll cut off all my credit cards if I don't stop watching TV

Manuela Cardiga
Aug 16, 2018
11:18 A.M.

Dear AmoMama,


My husband has given me an ultimatum. He wants to control me, rule my life, and he is doing it through his money.

We were married 7 years ago, and we have a 5-year-old boy, and everything was just fine as far as I was concerned, I thought he was happy, you know? Now he tells me I am a lousy mother and that he is cutting off the credit cards until I get my act together.

The thing is, I stopped working when my son was born, and since my husband has a lot of money, I decided to stay home and be a full-time mom.

Source: Pexels

Source: Pexels

The problems started when I put my son in day-care. My husband said he didn't understand because I was home, and I told him I couldn't spend 24 hours a day just changing diapers. I told him I wanted to go back to college, make something of myself.


He agreed and I enrolled, but it turned out to be hard work, and I struggled to make dinner and take care of things when I got home, so I quit.

I do my bit, you know? I do. I clean the house, I have dinner on the table on time, get the kid to school on time. I do my bit. And maybe I do spend a lot of my spare time watching TV. So what? I do my bit.

Source: Pexels

Source: Pexels

So now he claims I and neglectful because when he went to fetch my son from school yesterday his teacher told him that he has been going to school with ripped jeans and that his hygiene is being neglected. (he had poo in his shorts)

It was just that once, honestly! But that bitch made a performance out of it, saying that my son says mommy doesn't play with him and only watches TV.

Source: Pexels

Source: Pexels

I do watch TV! It's my only pleasure in my stupid life! Am I supposed to be like Cinderella and spend all my time slaving in the kitchen and wiping my son's butt? He's old enough to dress by himself, too. I'm not his nanny.

How can I make my husband understand how unfair he is being? I deserve that money, I deserve my leisure.

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