Police officer chases down fleeing suspect with sprint that would make Usain Bolt proud
A police officer is being called a "super cop" after he easily closed a 30-meter gap between himself and a fleeing suspect. He then tackled the suspect to the ground.
Huffington reported that two officers had just gotten on foot to try and decided to run after a man suspected of stealing a truck. Because of the officer that was head, it was easy to see the stark difference in speed between the "super cop" and the other officer.
The viral video of the man overtaking a fellow officer before reaching his prey was filmed in 2014 in Jeffersontown, Kentucky. The man ran at a shocking speed, closing a large gap in only seconds to reach the suspect.
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Chief Rick Sanders from the Jeffersontown Police Department would not identify the determined officer. But he agreed with viewers that he's "pretty swift on his feet."
He said:
"He's just a young aggressive officer that did a good job chasing this guy down."
While most viewers were shocked at the man's stealth, some reacted differently. Huffington said that doubters pointed out the weight difference between the quick runner and the others in the given race.
Source: YouTube
The suspected thief was Erik Atwell, a 45-year-old resident of Louisville. He was subsequently arrested after the hour-long chase he forced officers to put up with.
In just the second week of August, someone else took off, this time driving, away from a police officer that signaled for him to stop.
Conversely, in April 2018 a pair of restaurant workers decided to show due diligence and appreciation for a group of four officers from the Siddel Louisianna Police Department.
Wood and Rao, the two workers, gave the officers a piece of their mind after they finished their meal which totaled $67. They pad them back as a token of appreciation for their service to their community.