Video of poor dog tied onto the roof during a hailstorm sparks outrage on social networks
This poor dog had to endure a strong and intense storm hailed on the roof, and social media users were outraged when they saw this video.
In the images of this video published on Facebook, you can see the dog that is sitting near the edge of the roof and tied to a metal structure that seems to be rods.
According to the recording information, this event occurred in the street of Cerro de San Miguel in Las Cumbres neighborhood of the Tlalpan delegation in Mexico City.
The Diario Mexicano reports that after what happened, Ofelia Castillo, who is head of the State Procurator for Environmental Protection (Proespa), indicated that the home was already visited and a very important report was given to the owner of the dog.
"The owner of the dog was given a warning letter, this is a wake-up call where it is explained that there is a report on the dog's situation, and a series of recommendations is given, she has 5 days to attend to them" commented Castillo.

Source: Facebook/ Aguascalientes
This report indicates that, if the dog does not find the best conditions to live in that space, it will be removed from the place and a legal process will be initiated. Read more on our Twitter account @amomama_usa
Also, the owner of Proespa said that the animal already has a chain of 4.5 meters and a house made of canvas to protect him from these storms and weather, therefore it can be said that the dog is already in good condition, as assured Metropolitan.
This video caused a great impact on the users of social media, so much so, that it already has more than one million views, and every minute they continue to increase.
Pets deserve a better life than being chained on a roof completely exposed to weather conditions, they suffer from hot and cold temperatures just as much as a human and since they can’t help themselves under this circumstances, owners should take responsibility.
Neglecting is a severe form of abuse, as bad as mistreatment. That’s why this case reminds of a pet owner who became a public enemy after she was seen biting and pulling the dog's hair while they traveled on Toronto’s subway in Canada.