Video of 11-year-old rapper and his big brother freestyling in car has gone viral
Two brothers went viral after a video of them rapping freestyle made its way to the internet. E-Class and his 11-year-old brother Young Poppa have even caught the attention of celebrities like comedian D.L. Hughley.

YouTube/The Hoodies
Older brother E-Class has been rapping since he was eight years old, but it wasn’t until he teamed up with his brother that the two found fame. They adopted the stage name “The Hoodies” and are now social media stars.
When one of their videos went viral on Facebook, E-Class confessed that he and his brother were close to tears when they saw their views hit one million. He added:
”I have no clue how that happened. We had other videos that got like 10 thousand but 3 mill was so mind blowing to us."

YouTube/The Hoodies
Watching their video for the first time, one of the things you notice first is the skill and passion with which Young Poppa delivers his lines. It’s not surprising then when his brother revealed that Young Poppa is a fan of 90s rap music. His favorite rapper is said to be 50 Cent.
While the 11-year-old may look up to some established names in the industry, his interest and talent were inspired than none other than his big brother. E-Class recalled:
"He started rapping when he was about four years old. I would be writing and letting my boys hear my music and he would just start freestyling. He would say a whole bunch of gibberish and baby stuff but as he got older his wordplay and vocabulary got better. He's a whole different person now musically, it's unbelievable!"
The boys’ mother, Tiffany Abrams, who also dubs as their manager, added that her children grew up around music. She remembered growing up in New York to the works of rappers like LL Cool J and notes, "My whole family is from NYC. New York is the birthplace of hip-hop. We love it more than words could describe."
The proud mom also said she’s happy the brothers are collaborating because it not only strengthens their bond, but it also gives them a purpose and keeps them off the streets.
The Hoodies have also made an appearance on The Ellen Show where they performed an original song written for the host, Ellen DeGeneres.
In a similar incident, members of the Cardinal Shehan School Choir in Baltimore received instant stardom after their choir director posted their soul-stirring rendition of "Rise Up" on Facebook.
One of those they touched with their singing was a Hurricane survivor all the way from Argentina.