Sweet wife shares hilarious back-to-school photo to celebrate husband's 1080th day of teaching
Jennifer Lee gave her husband a hilarious tribute during his "first day of school," and he looked particularly unimpressed.
Tyrelle celebrated his 1080th day of teaching last August 27, and his wife decided to take a "first day of school" photo of him this year. Before the special day, Jennifer told him about her plan to take a picture, and being a laid-back guy, he didn't ask too many questions and agreed.
However, little did he know, she planned a big surprise for him that had interesting details about him. Although he was surprised, he acted as if he wasn't, but he still posed for his wife anyway.
“My husband is a pretty laid-back guy, so when I told him I wanted to take a ‘first day of school’ photo of him this year, he didn’t ask too many questions and said ‘okay’. Little did he know, I was preparing a special sign for him as well. When it came time for the picture he wasn’t super excited (as you can see) but he did it for me anyway (now that’s love!)."
In the poster she made, it said it was Tyrelle's 1080th day of teaching. It also said how his favorite color is gator orange, and that he was 32-years-old. Adding some fun facts about himself, she wrote that his first day of school this year at the Southeast Guilford Middle School was last August 27 and that he loves football, chicken wings, and vans shoes.
The last section of the poster read: "I can't believe my wife made me do this.".
Tyrelle is an 8th-grade teacher, and his wife thought that giving him a poster on the first day of school would allow him to relate to his students who are always on the internet. According to Mrs. Lee, she knew it worked because his students started coming up to him about it.
"My mom saw you on Facebook – that was funny!"
The teacher is also known to wear different pairs of Vans shoes every day, and his students would always look forward to seeing what pair he has on for that particular day.
Jennifer never thought that her post would go viral, as she intended to give her friends a good laugh. She even sent it to her sister at first to ask if it was funny or if it was a cheesy idea. When she thought it was hilarious, she went ahead and posted it to show her other friends.

Source: Facebook / Jennifer Lee
Teachers do not get the recognition they deserve, and this post has made it easy for them to support one another and send each other encouraging messages. According to Jennifer, they've even gotten messages from teachers all the way in Bangladesh.
We see you, teachers. Thank you for shaping the next generation into brilliant leaders and innovators.