Video of senior white woman harassing Black teen for selling candy goes viral again
The recording of an elderly white woman badgering a black teenager outside Target. The video went viral in 2016 when the incident occurred but has been making the rounds again after it was shared by an activist.

The video shows the senior white woman standing outside the store in front of a teenage girl selling candy. Also at the scene is another customer, Jay Lopez, who is scolding the white woman for harassing the girl. “You should be ashamed of yourself,” he says to her.

Andy Lizarraga, a California resident who filmed the exchange, posted it on her Facebook page in 2016 and explained:
“Outside of Target, someone was selling candy. As my mom and I were walking away, a lady went up to this person and told them she wanted to see their license to sell. She started harassing (her) to the point where (she) started to cry. A group people went up to her and told her to leave (the girl) alone. A man came up and started voicing his opinion and bought $80 worth of candy and started giving it away to the group of people. There are good people and bad people in this world and I saw it firsthand. Screw all you ignorant people that have to complain about something.”

The Good Samaritan who came to the girl’s rescue was identified as Jay Lopez and spoke to CBS Los Angeles about the incident. Lopez revealed that the young girl was already in tears by the time he got there. He added:
“She continued to yell at her and scream at her and tell her if she didn’t have a permit that she was going to go to jail, that sheriffs were on their way.’”
Lizzaraga also told the station that she hadn’t intended for the post to go viral and was surprised when it did. She disclosed that the senior woman’s daughter reached out to her to have the original video taken down.
Meanwhile, Lopez had the perfect advice for the meddling white woman and other folks like her:
“Mind your own business. Take care of yourself and your family and everything will come together for you.”
In another racism-related incident that shocked the internet, a couple called the cops on a black teenager who was riding in the car with his white grandmother and her friend.
The racist couple thought the teenager was robbing the white women. The young boy was pulled over and handcuffed.