Poor dog almost left homeless because owners were having a baby
On one Saturday morning, Nicki Fricker was waiting in the parking lot of the Jefferson County SPCA in New York. She was waiting for the shelter to open.
That’s when she saw a man with a cute little dachshund sitting nearby. Little did she know that the dog would soon belong to her.
One Saturday, Nicki Fricker woke up early to go to the SPCA to drop off a stray dog she had found. There she met a man with a dachshund and asked him if he was there to do the same.
He told her, “He's giving her up because his wife is about to have a baby. Then he asked if I wanted her,” Fricker recalled.
For more on this story go to our Twitter account @amomama_usa. She also shared that the man appeared a little sad but “said that this would be a huge weight off his chest.”
On a Facebook post, Fricker shared that the man revealed that he and his wife were expecting a child and didn’t need Dotty the dachshund for practice anymore. Although she already had two large dogs at home, Fricker quickly agreed.
She could see that the nervous dog wouldn’t do well in a noisy shelter environment. As soon as the former owner drove away, the dog started becoming anxious and began to shake.
“She refused to walk on the leash so I had to carry her to the car,” Fricker said. “I figured I would just foster her until we could find [her] a better home.”
Driving home Fricker could feel the dog trembling in her lap. She later renamed the adorable dachshund to Molly.
Through video she spoke with her husband who was stationed at Fort Drum, New York, explaining the dog’s situation.
“He was a little mad that I brought home another dog, since I had just brought home my German shepherd, Maddie, about a month ago,” Fricker explained.
However, when Molly met her two new rescue dog siblings, Moo and Maddie, she learned that they were family and introductions went smoothly. Fricker’s husband also fell in love with the new pet and they decided to keep her.
The couple does not plan on having children and they now see Molly as their child. They even staged a birth announcement photo shoot to introduce her to the rest of their family.
Molly has now acclimated to her new loving home where she isn’t practice for anything but a genuine member. Fricker described some of the antics the new pet gets up to.
“She loves burrowing under blankets and stealing toilet paper from the bathroom and pushing it down our stairs,” she shared. “At the dog park she's a feisty little thing. She's very protective over me. She always gets between me and my husband in the bed,” the new owner added.