Remember family vocal group 'The Sylvers'? Here is what happened to its members
The Sylvers was a family vocal group very popular in the 1970s, famous for the hit singles “Fool’s Paradise” and “Hot Line.” They parted ways in 1985, and here’s what happened to them.
That band was formed by nine of the ten Sylvers siblings who were part of the talented group at different times. Among the most important ones are Leon, bassist and vocalist, Edmund, vocalist and percussionist, and Foster, bassist and vocalist.
Christopher Joseph, the tenth and youngest member of the family – born in 1966 – never performed with the group. He died of hepatitis in June 1985, the same year the band took a long hiatus.
Some of the siblings embarked into solo careers, and while a few of their songs were well-received, they were not as successful as they were in the band.
In an interview Leon, who became a successful songwriter and record producer, had with EURweb in 2017, he confessed that The Sylvers would have the opportunity to play together again.
He admitted that they decided to give the band a try once again and that they were set to perform during a Roland Bynum produced concert last September at The Rose in Pasadena, California.
“We haven’t been performing as The Sylvers for 35 years. I’ve been producing and writing and watching my kids and grandkids grow up. But now everybody’s more committed now than ever,” added Leon.

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The group was also part of the 2018 Fantastic Voyage Cruise. They were included in the Disco Meets Funk experience of the trip. The members of the siblings who got together were Leon, Foster, Patricia, Angelia “Angie,” Joseph “Ricky,” and James.
Since they are a lot of people and there is just a certain amount of time for them, it is obvious that organizing everything was a difficult task.
“Like every family, you’re gonna have a disagreement so we had to seriously make an infrastructure of how you’re going to do things. I would ask everybody what they thought first and come in with my ideas last [sic],” explained Leon.