Divorced mom takes kids on vacation when suddenly son sees his father in the airport
Divorce is incredibly difficult for children, as they often have a hard time accepting that their parents have separated. That's why what the protagonist of the next viral video did has moved all Facebook users.
According to NewsFlare, in a scene that seems to be taken from a Hollywood movie, a divorced mother surprised her two children at the airport by inviting their father to accompany them on holiday to Cyprus.
Divorced mother Laura Dee was ready to leave behind the stress of daily life and go on vacation to Cyprus with her two children, Darcie aged 11, and Callum aged 9. Her bags were packed, tickets purchased, and the trio was at the airport, ready to fulfill your dreams of going to the beach.
Without Darcie and Callum knowing, a fourth guest would accompany them on their trip, and it was someone who made them cry with emotion. Fortunately, Laura decided to record her great revelation and share it on social media for the world to see.
Laura, Darcie, and Callum walked through the busy corridors of the airport in search of the boarding door. Then, between many faces, a familiar one appeared! It was the father of the children, his ex-husband. Follow us on Twitter @amomama_usa to learn more.

Source: YouTube/NEWS TV
Although they separated eight years ago, they worked together to make a fun family vacation possible. Laura told Newsflare, "as parents all we want is to make our children happy."

Source: YouTube/NEWS TV
Instead of arguing and putting the children in the middle, Laura and her ex-husband did what was best for the children.
"As parents seeing our children upset is hard, all we want is to make our children happy. Co-parenting is hard for many people but we are proud of what we have achieved with bringing our children up." She said.

Source: YouTube/NEWS TV
Now, you can have a family vacation, this video is the perfect example of how beautiful the co-parenting education of children can be and how much positive effect it can have on children.
This story reminds us of another airport viral video of a young man who couldn’t get to his wife’s side the day their first daughter was being born. However, the man managed to be connected and was able to watch his daughter’s birth thanks to a FaceTime call.
caused the man to not be present at his daughter's delivery; he had to witness the miracle of life through a video call and the moving moment was recorded by another passenger.
The soldier took a seat in a corner at the airport while watching his wife, Haley Lindsey, give birth in Brandon Mississippi to a girl named Millie Fritz Anne Lindsey. The airport staff let him keep watching his video call until his daughter Millie was born.
His mother called him through FaceTime so he could watch what was happening in the hospital from a distance and at that inopportune moment, he heard that passengers on his flight had to board it. Before he could do anything, the doctor shouted at his wife: "Don't let him aboard the flight! Is here! She is here!"
Tracy Dover, a woman who was traveling on the same flight from El Paso, Texas, filmed the soldier's worried reactions and took a picture while the man watched his wife give birth.