Video of high school principal showing off incredible moves at prom goes viral
Usually, students hate when their teachers try to show off their “coolness” at prom, or any other circumstance, but the principal at the KIPP Newark Collegiate Academy managed to charm not only his students but thousands of people on the internet with his dance moves.
Principal Sean Stevens is, perhaps, one of the youngest people in charge of the administration of an entire school. At 30, he still enjoys partying and showing off his dance skills on the dance floor. So, when he decided to show his senior students how it’s done, the teenagers pulled out their phones to immortalize the moment.
A video of Steven clad in a purple suit with a white t-shirt while dancing in the middle of a circle of students, became viral after it was posted online. The clip, which shows the students encouraging their principal with whistles and screams, has earned over 1 million views on Instagram.
For Stevens’ students, the man’s actions were not strange; they’re used to his inspiring ways of teaching.
In an interview with A-Plus, the principal revealed that he never expected such a massive reaction on social media to his small show. And he added:
“My students know I'm not their friend. We don't hang out on the weekends. But what I am for them is their big brother, their psychologist, their shoulder to cry on. All that I do comes from a place of love, and like anyone that truly loves you, sometimes I have to be hard on them.”

Soruce: Instagram/TheShadeRoom
Stevens, like many other students today, grew up living in poverty and without his parents, as they struggled with drug addiction. He’s one of eight siblings and is the only one in the family with a college degree and a Doctorate on the way.
It was his grandmother who instilled in him and his brother the importance of education, but without a paternal figure in his life, Stevens relied on ‘90s sitcoms like “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” to set some of his goals in life, as he saw on TV examples of “black excellence.”

Source: Instagram/TheShadeRoom
He said:
“I began reading the encyclopedia in fourth grade. We didn't have books in my house, but we did have this old set of encyclopedias, and I remember just looking through them and reading about random stuff, and that was my only source of knowledge.”
Now, he strives to become that a role model of excellence to his students, as he encourages them to open their eyes to the world of possibilities that wait for them in the world outside of their bubble of unfortunate inner-city circumstances.
“If you invest in yourself through education, you can prove the impossible," he said.
Stevens is not the first principal to show off in front of his students at a school dance.
Last year, the Principal of Windsor High School, Jason Naucke, surprised the student-filled crowd at the Casa Loma Ballroom in St. Louis with a fantastic performance of some old school dance moves like the robot, and an attempt at b-boying while spiraling on the floor.
The 2-minute performance had the students in awe as they cheered for their teacher, who was not shy and just kept on jumping from one side of the dance floor to the other so that everyone could get a look at his moves.