An open letter to First Lady Melania Trump to comfort her from recent media attacks
In a bid to offer First Lady Melania Trump some support, Lauren DeBellis Appell wrote a lengthy open letter. Appell is a freelance writer in Fairfax, Virginia, and she was the deputy press secretary for then-Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa.
She served him during his successful 2000 re-election campaign. Appell was also the assistant communications director for the Senate Republican Policy Committee from 2001 to 2003.
In her open letter, Lauren DeBellis Appell revealed why she was writing saying:
“The unceasing, unjustified and often unhinged attacks against first lady Melania Trump make me want to offer her some words of comfort in the form of an open letter.”
For more on this story go to our Twitter account @amomama_usa. Appell’s letter started off by praising Trump on her accomplishments.
She added:
“However, I don’t know of any first lady who has had to endure the ferocity of rhetoric and sheer brutality of attacks that you have. I’m sure it isn’t easy.”
Appell spoke about how the media lacked things to attack Trump on and chose to latch onto her clothes instead. She stated:
“You’ve kindly asked that your critics focus on what you do and not what you wear.”
Appell claimed that the first lady was still harassed just because of who she married:
“But then again, you’re not just any woman. You’re the woman who married Donald Trump – Public Enemy No. 1 in the eyes of “the resistance.”
Despite starting an anti-bullying campaign, Trump still “received a lot of backlash for promising to take on childhood cyberbullying in the wake of your husband’s confrontational Twitter habits.”
The open letter spoke up against celebrities and feminists who were against the first lady. Appell concluded her letter by praising Trump for being a strong woman and urged her to “Keep being true to yourself.”
In October, Trump appeared on a special edition of ABC's "20/20" called “Being Melania – The First Lady.” There she spoke about different topics including her first solo international trip touring four countries in Africa.
She also addressed the controversial June incident when she flew to McAllen, Texas, to visit a migrant children's shelter. For the trip she wore a casual jacket written, "I REALLY DON'T CARE, DO U?" on the back.
Trump revealed that she wore the jacket "as kind of a message, yes." However, it wasn’t a message that was directed at children, but "for the left-winged media who are criticizing me."
The first lady explained:
"I want to show them (the media) that I don't care. I would prefer that they focus on what I do, and on my initiatives, than on what I wear."