
Hairdresser mocks young child in a salon but gets an intelligent response from the smart boy

Nov 14, 2018
02:34 P.M.

The hairdresser thought he was outsmarting the young boy but little did he know, it was the other way around.


Adults tend to underestimate young children’s ability to think. They think that they are smarter than the youth because of their age and size, but in reality, those two things aren’t really the basis of wits and knowledge.

This hilarious joke is one of the reasons why adults should never try to fool children.

Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik

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A hairdresser saw himself as a genius when he began mocking a young child who always steps foot in his store.

Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik


One day, the young child, who the barber always thought was poor because of his dirty clothes, entered his salon. When the barber saw him, he bent down and whispered something in one of his customers’ ear.

“That kid is the most stupid child in the whole city! Just wait, I’ll show you,” he said.

Taking $100 and two single-dollar bills out of his pocket, the hairdresser faced the young boy. He had the hundred-dollar bill on the one hand and the two singles on the other.

Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik

“Here, boy, pick a hand. Which one do you want?” he said to the child.

The boy thought of it for quite some time and eventually chose the two-dollar bills.

Laughing, the barber faced the customer and exclaimed, “What did I tell you?”

Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik


“That idiot never learns,” he said as the boy left the store.

Sometime later, the customer had left the shop and walked toward the street.

Just then, he saw the young boy sitting an ice cream parlor. Perplexed, he walked towards the child.

Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik

He then said, “Hello, young man, I have a question for you. Why do you always take the dollar bills and not the $100?”

Smiling, the boy looked up and replied, “The day I take the $100 is the day this game ends.”

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