
Veteran banned from Disney World for holding 'Trump 2020' banner

Ra'eesah Manack
Nov 15, 2018
06:29 A.M.

A Marine vet was escorted out of a Disney theme park after he held up a pro-Trump banner on a ride. He was also banned from all Disney parks.


Dion Cini was an annual pass holder to the Disney World theme park. He held up a "Trump 2020" sign while riding the Splash Mountain roller coaster.

The political statement did not sit well with Disney theme park management and he found himself promptly escorted out of the park. Cini then took to Facebook to complain.

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He revealed that nearly forty employees escorted him out of the park. Cini explained that the park then banned him from returning to any Disney theme park.


“Trespassed from all of Walt Disney World properties to include, but not limited to, Theme Parks, Water Parks, Resorts and Disney Springs,” ~ read the order from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office

Disney's rules state "unauthorized events, demonstrations or speeches, or the usage of any flag, banner or sign for commercial purposes, or to incite a crowd” are prohibited within their parks. Management revealed that it is not the first time Cini has broken this rule.

In 2017, Cini had been temporarily banned from Disney World property after he held up a 20-foot “Trump 2020” banner outside of the Main Street Railroad Station in the Magic Kingdom. Management had decided to allow him back after the incident.


Cini says this time he did not break any rules. He admits that the first time he had broken some rules, however, insists this time he was within the limits set by the park. Cini holds firm to his belief that Disney only kicked him out because "the context of the sign."

“The second time, I just held up a small sign…and I did not incite a crowd. So I actually proved my own theory. That they kicked me out ’cause of the context of the sign and not the policy.” ~ Cini

Management, on the other hand, says that are simply not being as lenient this time. The Disney spokesperson had said, “Walt Disney World welcomes all Guests to enjoy our parks. However, demonstrations and the display of signs and banners are not permitted on the premises.”


He also went on to explain that holding up banners and flags on rides that move at high speeds risk the lives of other park visitors and breaks safety regulations. But Cini firmly believes the entire ordeal was simply a means to stop people from using their freedom of speech to support the president because Disney does not support him.

Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger, is a well-known and vocal critic of President Trump. He even quit his position on the White House advisory councils after Trump exited the Paris climate accord last year.


In a similar incident, Mark Wivell put up Christmas decorations with a huge display in his mulch bed that read "Jesus." He intended it to be a reminder of that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ.

However, a few days later Wivell and his wife, Lynn, received an email from their homeowner association asking the couple to remove the display because neighbors found it "offensive."

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