Mom posts group selfie and saves son facing 99 years for attacking his ex-girlfriend
A Texas man facing 99 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit was exonerated by a selfie with his mother.
Christopher Precopia, 21, was bewildered when police showed up at his work at a lumberyard in Georgetown and arrest him for burglary with the intent to commit other crimes
The charge carried a possible sentence of 99 years in prison, reported WFM News on November 15, 2018.
Precopia was taken to Williamstown County Jail and released only after his family had posted a bail bond of $150,000.

Source: YouTube/KVU
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A woman had accused Precopia of breaking into her home and hacking an "X" into her chest with a box cutter, but on the night of the alleged crime, Precopia was in a hotel in Austin, Texas with his mother.
Precopia presented the Police with his alibi, but they discounted it as false and charged him with the crime.

Source: YouTube/KVU
Luckily for Precopia, his mother Erin had posted a selfie they had taken on social media and could prove the exact time her son had been in Austin at the time the supposed crime was taking place in Temple, 60 miles away.
“By the grace of God, [the accuser] said it happened on the day when I can say totally, 100 percent, where he was at.”

Source: YouTube/KVU
Precopia's lawyer, Rick Flores, took Erin's selfie to the Bell County prosecutors. and showed them the irrefutable evidence.
On the Prosecutor's orders, Police dropped the charges against Precopia nine months after his arrest. Flores said:
“Most of the time, we deal with gray matters. It’s not normally black or white. But this is one of those cases where I could definitely prove he did not commit this offense.”

Source: YouTube/KVU
Faced with the evidence, Procopia's accuser admitted to lying because she had had a troubled relationship with him in the past.
The woman has not been identified, and will not be charged with a crime.
Procopia has a narrow escape and can thank his mother's zeal in posting her selfies to her social media accounts for saving him from spending the rest of his life in prison.
Procopia can thank his lucky stars he is free, but inmates in Lancaster, California are finding prison life easier to bear since a program was introduced in 2015 that allows them to foster and train shelter dogs.
A prison in Lancaster, California, is allowing inmates to foster and train shelter dogs. The dogs and the inmates both benefit from this.
The program started with five dogs which were taken from a high-kill shelter to the maximum security prison. Since then, over 2,000 dogs have been saved and partnered with the prisoners, to the great benefit of all.
The dogs are cared for by the prisoners 24/7 and receive training. There is a limited number of dogs available, and the inmates are attributed a canine companion as a privilege.
The dogs stay with the inmate for a 12-week training program, and though the animals benefit, the greater benefit is to the inmates. These isolated prisoners have the rare opportunity to bond with their dog and receive the precious gift of man's best friend's selfless devotion.