'DWTS' judge Carrie Ann Inaba takes over from Julie Chen as 'The Talk' host
Following Julie Chen’s departure from ‘The Talk’ amid allegations leveled against her husband, Carrie Ann Inaba steps into her place.
When the tumultuous reality set in after Julie’s husband, the former CBS boss Les Moonves’ had several allegations of sexual misconduct made against him, she decided to leave ‘The Talk,’ but will continue to host ‘Big Brother.’
Carrie had filled in for Julie on numerous occasions since her departure, and the chemistry with the current co-hosts Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, and Sara Gilbert was unmistakable.
Julie made no secret of the fact that she wanted Carrie to replace her. During an emotional video, Julie made to announce her departure; she touched on that specifically when she said:
“You’d look awful good sitting in that chair, my Asian sister, I’m just saying.”
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Kind of ironic that both Julie and Carrie are leaving shows they were part of from the beginning. Carrie had been a judge with Len Goodman and Bruno Tonioli since the start of ‘Dancing With The Stars,’ and so has Julie with ‘The Talk.’
In Julie’s farewell video, while addressing Sharon Osbourne and Sara Gilbert specifically, she said:
"To Sara and Sharon, we have been together since day one at The Talk. I spent every day with you both. I will always treasure our friendship, the great parenting advice from both of you, and the memories and laughs and private jokes that the three of us have shared. We are the original Three Musketeers. I love you all. And I know this show, and the sisterhood it stands for, will live on for many, many more years to come. You ladies got this, and I cannot be more proud to call you my friends. I love you."
Julie was a co-host on ‘The Talk’ since its debut in October 2010 and stopped appearing on the show after her husband, Les Moonves resigned as chairman and CEO of CBS on September 9, although he denied all allegations.
The announcement of Julie’s departure came in the form of a video she recorded on the ‘Big Brother’ set, wherein she said:
"I have been at The Talk since the day it started nine years ago, and the cast, crew, and staff have become family over the years. Right now, I need to spend more time at home with my husband and our young son, so I've decided to leave The Talk. ... I want to thank you, the viewers, for allowing me into your home every day. It was a privilege that I will forever be grateful for."
After her resignation, the CBS issued a statement thanking her for her contribution to the show, which read:
“For eight seasons, Julie Chen has co-hosted The Talk with incredible energy, grace, and professionalism. Her talents played a big role in our successful launch of CBS’ first network daytime talk show, and the series grew into an Emmy Award-winning broadcast. All of us here have tremendous appreciation for the dedication and passion she brought to the show every day and for her generous role as an ambassador for CBS Daytime. We are grateful for her many other contributions, respect her decision and wish Julie all the best in everything she does.”
CBS made another announcement following the departure of Les Moonves from the network that stated that his $120 million financial exit package would be withheld pending results of the board’s investigation. CBS also pledged to donate $20 million to organizations that support the #MeToo movement and equality for woman in the workplace.
Hosts from other talk shows voiced their opinions about Julie Chen and her decision to leave ‘The Talk,’ as hosts Loni Love from ‘The Real’ said:
“My heart goes out to the victims, OK? There are 12 women accusing him — one thing I want to say before we even begin – the women at The Talk – Sheryl Underwood, Sara Gilbert, Eve and Sharon Osbourne. Those are the nicest women. We at this table with you guys the best. And I think it’s appropriate that she leaves.”
Abby Huntsman was more supportive as she commented:
“What I would love for her to do is to use that opportunity to be transparent, to be real, to people about what maybe she’s been through.”
A story always has two sides, and whether or not others agree with Julie’s way of handling the situation, it is what she feels she has to do at this point and time of her life.