Remembering John Lennon 38 years since his death
John Lennon was regarded as a musical genius but, unfortunately, he's no longer with us, having been shot in cold blood by Mark David Chapman.
On this very day, December 8, in 1980, the world lost one of the most talented individuals in the music industry and tears are still being shed to this day.
As reported by CBC, Lennon's death came as a shock, and it happened so late in the night that most people only learned of it the next morning.
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At the time of his death, Lennon, one of the most popular elements of The Beatles, along with Paul McCartney, was 40 years old and left behind his wife, Yoko, and two sons, Sean and Julian.
But Lennon left so much more than his family behind; he left a legacy that very few will ever be able to match, along with millions of grieving fans around the world.
Shocking was the most used word to describe the way the world woke up to the news that one of the most influential musicians of his time had been murdered outside of his apartment.
The story was huge and several news stations went out on the streets to capture people's reactions, and dozens of radio stations began receiving calls from fans saying that they couldn't believe John Lennon was dead.
Seven months later, in June of 1981, Chapman would plead guilty of murder and receive a sentence of 20 years to life. The killer is 63 years old today and is still behind bars, having been denied parole on 10 occasions.
Seems like the world is running out of legends with each year that passes; Recently, Stan Lee, the man behind the Marvel franchise, passed away at the age of 95.
Lee was a giant in the comic book industry and serve as an inspiration for many other artists around the globe. Just like Lennon, Lee was a genius and there will never be anyone like him.