Photo of police officer holding baby while mother filed domestic violence report still warms hearts
A police officer from Utah melted hearts all over social media after his police department shared pics of him taking care of a baby while the mother filed a domestic abuse complaint.
It takes a lot of courage for a woman to decide to file a report against their partner for domestic violence, and when there are kids involved, things can get a bit messier.
So, when a brave woman from Utah arrived at the West Jordan Police Department with her three kids in tow ready to protect herself and her family, she was more than glad to get the help of a kindhearted police officer.
Filing any report can be a long and tedious task that would require the entire focus from the mother, and luckily for her, she got a unique childcare service from officer Robert Lofgran, who offered to look after the kids while she was busy.
The three toddlers were below the age of 5, and there was a months-old baby that the officer held in his arms for hours, considering police departments don’t come with cribs.
The records clerks at the department found the sight adorable and snapped some pictures of Lofgran with the babies that were later posted on the department’s Facebook.
“Our records clerks caught Officer Lofgran during a call detail the other day,” they wrote in the post.
“A young mother came in with her small children to file a domestic violence report. Officer Lofgran helped watch over the children while this mother got the help she needed for that day. He spent hours on this call. Thank you for your service! #westjordanpolice #wecare #backtheblue.”
The post went viral immediately, and it has earned over 4k reactions and hundreds of comments from people all over the country thanking the officer for his service and commending the unidentified woman for her bravery.
“We are grateful for the highlight and glad for officers like Officer Lofgran," Sgt. J.C. Holt told CNN. "But what you see is really standard. All our officers are this way. It's a typical day in the office, it really is."
He says that Lofgran has been with the West Jordan department for two years, and every officer is always glad if they can help “humanize” their profession by sharing this kind of acts that show officers really do care about their community.
“If you need help, come in, involve us and give us a chance to help you," concluded Holt.
On a similar story of strangers helping each other without expecting anything in return, a woman shared a photo and story from a sweet interracial interaction she witnessed in a doctor’s waiting room.
Natasha Crittenden Wilson, from Alabama, was sitting for her turn to see a physician when a young mother walked in with her sleeping baby in arms. After the receptionist gave the mom some paperwork to file, Wilson could see how the woman was trying to figure out how to proceed without waking up her son.
“She was sitting there trying to figure out how to hold her sleeping baby while filling out the paperwork, [when] this man, from across the room, asks her if she would like for him to hold her baby while she did her paperwork!! She smiled and said that would be wonderful!!” Natasha shared on her Facebook post.
And added:
“This man went over there and rocked and loved on that baby like he was his!! My heart Melted!!! … THIS MAN GAVE ME HOPE & a sweet memory I’ll never forget!!”
Wilson told Inspire More that what touched her more about the man’s action was the fact that he’s white and the mother and son were black.
After the story went viral, the man contacted her privately. “That’s just who I am,” he told Natasha. “I’ve never thought about race or color. All the children I know call me Papa Joe.”
Natasha believes this kind of kindhearted actions make the world a better place, and is ok to share them if it would inspire more people to do the same for their peers.