Kind restaurant employee gives birthday boy a do-over when no one attended his party (video)
Evan’s mother wanted to do something special for his fourth birthday and organized something Chuk E. Cheese.
A video was shared on YouTube and shows how an employee from the well-known pizza place named Taylor Inzinna saved this adorable boy from having a sad memory of his fourth birthday.
Angela had never imagined that all the guests were going to let the child down. Read more on our Twitter account @amomama_usa
She invited 30 to attend the celebration but none of the guests showed up. Angele had to face the reality that Evan was going to be disappointed on his special day.

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition
Inzinna, and the rest of the staff at Chuck E. Cheese couldn’t help but notice what terrible situation this small child was facing, and she had to run back to the kitchen to take a deep breath.
“I immediately ran to the kitchen and was so upset. The mother was handling it so much better than I was... She held it together and never let Evan know for a second she was upset, which I think was super awesome."
Inzinna knew that her broken heart wasn’t going to be of any use, and she started to think about a way to save Evan from having such a bitter memory of his fourth birthday.
Inzinna formed a plan and took to Facebook to ask for the help of her family and friends to collect as many presents as possible for the unfortunate boy.

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition
Her people didn’t disappoint, and soon she had 13 gifts for Evan. With that covered, Inzinna was ready for the next step, which was organizing a new birthday party for Evan from scratch.
Thanks to Inzinna and her collaborators, the child had a full-scale party, complete with cake, presents and the company of Chucky, the mouse, the restaurant’s mascot.
Angela told reporters: "I was shocked. I had to keep myself from crying. I didn't want him to see how this affected me. They made him feel a million dollars like he was the most important kid in the whole world.”
On August 7, after Evan had the party he deserved, Inzinna took to Facebook once again to share her feelings about what had happened and posted some photos from the great day.

Source: YouTube / Inside Edition
After the news of what this self-less woman did were spread thanks to Inside Edition’s coverage, several people who didn’t know Inzinna reached out for her in social media to congratulate her for her actions.
Even though the reason for the people who were originally invited to celebrate Evan’s birthday didn’t show up, one father felt touched by this story and felt inspired to make sure he never let a child down on his or her birthday.
“Thank you for opening my eyes to this. I am usually the dad who doesn’t go to parties, but I will do my best from now on to get my kids to every party they are invited to,” wrote Adam Tabers on Inzinna’s biography.
Justyna Maj, on the other hand, related to Evan’s mother and wrote from the point of view of the mother of a child who is let down by those he believed to be his friends.
“You made me cry. I have a 4-year-old boy and if this happened to him I’d be heartbroken, so what you did is absolutely amazing! You are a special human being, and I wish you all the best,” wrote Maj.
“That was a wonderful thing you did for that little boy. I know, if I were him, I would never forget that day either! That act of kindness will go a long way for this little boy!” commented Arthur Cooper.
This story reached Star Trek’s star George Takei, who is known to share inspiring and uplifting stories using his social media profile, and he also praised Inzinna and her peers for bringing the best out of an unpleasant episode.
“While it may be easy to lambast the other kids' parents, I think it's better to focus on the kind and sympathetic employees who turned a very bad day into a great one-more of this in the world, please,” wrote the 81-year-old actor.
Evan’s story, as special as it truly is, is, fortunately, not the only one about a child who has had an unforgettable birthday celebration thanks to the kindness of strangers.
In 2015, a boy in the autism spectrum from Florida named Glenn Buratti, turned 6. His mother, Ashlee, invited Glenn’s entire class of 16 children to join them in celebration, but just as happened to Evan, nobody attended the party.
Heartbroken and frustrated, Ashlee, took to Facebook to express her feelings after her children were submitted to the most cold-hearted rejection, as Independent reported.
“Poor kid. I feel so bad for him. He keeps asking ‘when will my friends get here?’” Ashlee wrote, without imagining that out of the dark episode was going to come Glenn’s biggest birthday celebration ever.
Ashlee’s Facebook post was shared by many people and when the community of St Cloud, Osceola County, heard about it, they couldn’t stay indifferent to what happened and decided to take some action.
Many parents took their children and bought presents for Glenn before appearing at his home to let him know how much they cared and to make sure his birthday was not going to go unnoticed.
The local police also came along, and some officers bought presents for the boy, even organizing a fly-by from a police helicopter.
Days later, the town’s fire brigade also had a detail towards Glenn, and they dropped by to wish him a happy birthday, taking the happy child on a ride in the fire truck.
As this is our favorite kinds of story, we would also like to invite you to read yet another episode, this time about a mother from Spain who was surprised on her 67th birthday when her son showed up completely unexpected at her party.