What happened to 'Trading Spaces' star Ty Pennington?
Ty Pennington used to be all over TV in the early 2000s, and although many people remember him, few know why he vanished from their screens.
Pennington first started in television as a designer on "Trading Spaces," and fans absolutely loved him. He also decided to put his knowledge on paper and released several design books.
After reaching the peak of his fame, Pennington apparently disappeared, but there's a simple explanation to all of it. The first reason why Pennington vanished from fans' screens is that he is still quite embarrassed over his DUI.
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On May 5, 2007, more than a decade ago, Pennington was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in Los Angeles. His blood-alcohol level was 0.14 percent, which is far more than the legal limit of .08.
After the incident, Pennington apologized for his behavior and took accountability for his actions. He made a statement in which he admitted that no one should drive under the influence and that he regretted his terrible error of judgment.
He pleaded "no contest" to the DUI charges and received 36 months probation, fined $1,500, and ordered to undergo a 90-day alcohol education program.
After going through the entire process and appearing on every tabloid, Pennington revealed that he was happy it was all over and was looking forward to making up for his mistake.
He has also revealed that he suffers from ADHD, which causes him to have an attention-deficit and be extremely hyperactive.
Pennington also informed people that he was seeing a psychiatrist and was under medication to take care of his hyperactivity. He believed that the disorder made it impossible for him to not act like an excited child.
Pennington was brutally honest about how it has affected his life both personally and professionally, given that he frequently forgets that people are talking to him.
Although he is not currently on any TV hit show, he has been helping families in need to build affordable and sustainable homes. He has also been trying to find a way to bring "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" back, in a more affordable way.
The show had an outstanding success rate having produced a total of 202 episodes. Fans miss the show, and Pennington confessed that nothing would make him happier.