Nail file can be one of the most useful tools to keep in your car during the winter months
Having a nail file always available in your car may seem vain at first, but it's actually a trick you can use every winter.
Patrick Banks divulged the hack in her book "Girls Auto Clinic Glove Box Guide" and the news is spreading fast.
Banks advised keeping a nail file in your glove department so as to prevent a blurred windshield during the winter time.
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The former engineer and garage owner said:
“Windshield wipers can get worn down or have a layer of dirt on top of them that doesn't wipe away easily."
During the cold weather, rain and snow bring intense frogging which could put you and your family in danger while driving.

Source: Freepik
She explained the fix:
“You can restore your wiper blades—and make them last three to six months longer—by wiping down the surface of the blade that comes in contact with the windshield a few times with a nail file or emery board. It will give the wiper a second life, and can help you see better in the rain or snow!”
At her garage, Banks employs only women. An adjoining room services customers with manicures and blowouts as they await their vehicles.

Source: Freepik
Banks warned that the trick is only applicable for wipers that are usable and in good condition, not those that have to be replaced.
She said:
"If the wipers blades are peeling off the wipers, no amount of filing can fix them. Replace them before they totally peel off!"
In addition to having a nail file handy, it's good to take further steps to avoid unnecessary risks during winter.

Source: Freepik
As a first step, prepare your vehicle for the worst weather that tends to hit your area. Additionally, make use of your garage to avoid paint damage and freezing of vehicle fluid.
Double check your heater system, core, blower, and window defroster. In your care, ensure the electrical system is fully functional. Also, be sure to examine your tires for loss of traction.
As for the home, one grandmother has some useful advice on how to keep your house warm as the air outside freezes. From YouTube, Alaska Granny showed how she insulates her windows for the cold.
The woman recommended covering the windows with bubble wrap. She does this by taking a measured layer of bubble wrap and using a bottle of water.
One should spray the water onto the window then press the bubbly side of the wrap against the glass. Make sure it is secure for a warm, cozy home that lasts a long time.