14-year-old Black boy body-slammed and 'choked' by police in school over stolen candy bar
A 14-year-old student from Newton County was slammed and "choked" by police in the school after he took a candy bar from a vending machine. The incident was caught on video, as seen below.
Attorneys of a student in Newton County claim local deputies body slammed the teen. The incident took place after the 14-year-old took a candy bar from a vending machine at the school.
The school district says students were stealing from a vending machine. However, a shocking video of the incident surfaced.
In the now viral video. one of the students is thrown to the ground by a deputy. The student's attorneys are demanding to know why police resorted to the use of extreme force.
14-year-old Asah Glenn is a student at Alcovy High School in Covington. He says he spotted another student at the school opened a vending machine on Thursday.
A group of people ran over to take candy. Glenn says he also ran over and grabbed one chocolate bar before trying to move out of the crowd.

Twitter/Alexa Liacko
As he turned around he was body slammed by the Newton County Sheriff's Office deputy. He does not remember exactly what happened.
"It was a blur. I was scared for my life and I didn't know what was going on. I ran over there grabbed a Snickers, turned around coach grabbed me and it went from there." said Glenn

Twitter/Alexa Liacko
The video showed what happened next. Attorney Mawuli Davis revealed that a coach and two deputies used excessive force to restrain the 14 year-old who only took one candy bar.
"They're choking him and they run him into the wall, lift him up and you can see them try to body slam him to the ground. His hands are up the whole time. He's 125, 130 pounds max and these are grown men. It was traumatizing for him." said Davis
The Newton County school district says officers apprehended two students involved in the theft. The sheriff's office says deputies were responding to what they thought was a fight.
However, it turned out to be students stealing snacks. Teachers were also involved as they tried to stop the theft and thus created more confusiom.
Glenn and two others are now facing charges of theft and disorderly conduct. Glenn hurt his rib and scraped both knees in the incident. He is suspended from school for three days while the deputy seen in the video has been reassigned pending investigation.
"This isn't what helps build a relationship between law enforcement and young ones. That's not happening here. I'm glad that it kicked in for him. For him to know to hold his hands up and he did just that." said Davis