
Mom bursts into tears as Marine son returns home for Christmas and sneaks in to surprise her

Odette Odendaal
Dec 21, 2018
09:55 P.M.

A mother thought she was going to spend Christmas without both her sons when she got a fantastic surprise.


In Nashville, Tennessee, Christy Wilson is hosting a Christmas party at home in Mount Juliet when her son, Ethan, sneaks up behind her.

Source: Twitter/ABC News

Source: Twitter/ABC News

Ethan half leans over and touches her shoulders, and when Christy looks around her expression soon changes to one of sheer joy and disbelief combined.

Christy jumps for joy and grabs Ethan by the shoulders crying, who gives his mother a few seconds for the initial shock to wear off and then pulls her close for a hug.

Source: Twitter/ABC News

Source: Twitter/ABC News


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Mother and son share a heartwarming embrace after months of Ethan being based far away and them not being able to see each other.

Eli, Ethan’s twin brother, is also in the army and is deployed in North Carolina as an infantry soldier, not being able to make it home. Ethan is currently based in the Marine Corps Recruiting Substation in Pensacola, Florida.

Source: Twitter/ABC News

Source: Twitter/ABC News

The last time Christy saw Ethan was when he graduated to the US Marines in September and is thrilled to have him home. Ethan had pre-arranged with family to pick him up from the airport and help him surprise his mother.

A friend of the family, Jon Guffey posted the endearing video on Facebook with the caption:


“This is so awesome! Christy Ramsey Wilson got to have one of her two baby boys home on leave from the Marines, and she had no idea! So awesome and so proud of these two young men. Glad we got to be a part of it!”

Lynn Marshall commented on the touching video:

“Thank you for your service. This touched my heart and got me all choked up. Enjoy this time together.”


Sarah was so overwhelmed when her Marine brother surprised her on her wedding day, that she thought she was going to have a heart attack from joy.

Source: YouTube/Andrew Didway

Source: YouTube/Andrew Didway

Her brother had initially told her he would not be able to make her wedding but then planned a surprise. The bride noted the strange behavior of those around her just before the wedding and


“I was kind of confused because people were acting really funny. I was like ‘Is something wrong and they’re just not going to tell me, so I don’t stress out?'”

Everyone was in on the surprise, Sarah just didn’t know it yet. When her brother walked towards her in the beautiful garden, she couldn't believe it, and after the initial why’s, and how’s she thanked him with tears in her eyes as her brother kissed her on the cheek, wiping her tears and said, “You look beautiful.”


Another Marine was elated to land at Nashville International Airport on December 21, to spend Christmas with his family after being away from home for over a year.

The Dobbs family early awaited his incoming flight early in the morning and was ecstatic to see Jonathan walk through the gates.

Jonathan got stationed with the Marine Corps in Okinawa, Japan for a year and a half, and communication is hard because they are fourteen hours ahead.

Now the Dobbs family can catch up while spending Christmas together, a merry one it will be for them for sure.

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