Down syndrome son spotted father crying on the floor and knew exactly what to do
A father opened up about the worst night of his life and how his son with Down syndrome saved him from great despair.
It was a tough night for Jeff Church. He didn’t go into detail, but it was evident that the phone call he received caused his mental breakdown.
His story, which was shared by reporter Frank Somerville on Facebook, touched many hearts and helped people realize that kids with Down syndrome are also capable of compassion.
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Jeff, who is the owner of Church & Sons Painting Co. in Antioch, California, was consoled by his son, JJ.
The father recalled that it was a long time ago and he had received a devastating phone call at the time that he said “made everything in life even worse.
“I felt my world was collapsing around me. I was lost. And with that one call, I had given up hope.”
On that night, Jeff was overwhelmed with sadness, which caused him to break down and cry in his room.
His sobs were heard throughout their home. JJ, who was inside the house at the time, heard his father crying and ran towards his father.
JJ he saw his father curled up and bawling inside his room. Despite his illness, Jeff wrote that JJ “knew to keep the lights off. He saw I was inconsolable.”
Jeff recalled that his son sat on the floor next to him, held him tight, and rocked him softly.
“It go be okay. It go be okay. It go be okay. It go be okay,” said JJ to his father.
After a while, Jeff was already tired from crying, which signaled JJ to help his father get to his bed. The boy took his father’s shoes and kissed his father’s cheek before he tucked him in.
Jeff recalled that JJ silently left him in the room and closed the door before he drifted off to sleep.
“That was a rough night. And JJ got me through it. That night, JJ was beyond his years.”
Jeff pointed out that JJ has a cognitive delay and has a hard time processing his thoughts. Still, despite his limitations, Jeff was in awe of his son’s emotional intelligence.
“We should all have a little bit of Down Syndrome in us. They’re way nicer people than we are,” said Jeff.
Meanwhile, in 2012, the parents of another boy with Down syndrome were upset when their church refused to let their son receive his first Holy Communion.
The Diocese of Leeds sent a letter to the parents at the time and declared that their son had “limited concentration” and was not ready yet.
For the parents, they were disgusted by the thought. The mother even said, “I feel really let down by the Catholic faith."