Brave nurse saves a trooper who was shot on a road: 'God put me on that road for a reason'
Heroes don't always come in capes, but they all do excellent jobs in saving the day! Sherice Richardson, on Monday night, defied all odds as she stopped by the roadside to save the life of a severely injured trooper.
The nurse was on her way to pick her one-year-old daughter when she noticed an unusual development on the country road.
"I left the house at about 5:15 and I go on some country roads," Richardson said. "I was going around the curve, passing blue lights and so I slowed down some more, then I got out of the car that's when I saw the bullet holes in the windshield. I didn't know it at the time, but when I got to the car, he just had blood coming from his face, and I was like 'Oh my God, are you OK?' and all I could hear him say was 'I'm hit, I'm hit.' I was like we need to give him help, so I called 911." - She said
Luckily for the trooper, Daniel Harell, Richardson was able to apply some first aid on him with the gauze she found in his car while she called 911. She also waited by his side till the emergency unit got to the scene.
During the wait, the 28-year old nurse considered that the attacker could come back, but she instead pushed the idea aside and prayed.
“I was kind of praying he would be OK. I knew in my heart he would be,” -she said.
Trooper Harrell has recovered to a great extent. The hospital discharged him on Wednesday.
Law enforcement officers around the country have been reaching out to Richardson to show appreciation for her bravery as she saved one of theirs. In the same vein, Harrell’s family members have also shown gratitude by putting a phone call through to her. “His family, they just wanted to thank me for staying there with him.
They assured me he would make it through,”-she said. Despite her act of bravery, Sherice couldn't hide the fact that she had once lost a loved one In a similar case. Her brother was murdered on the streets, and there was no one to rescue him.
She said those thoughts ran through her mind as she stayed by Harrell’s side. Law enforcement agents are human too and could use a little saving now and then. At another time, a police officer was saved by a teen and his neighbor after his police car got caught up in flames.
The police force is here to protect and serve civilians, but, they also need help from time to time.