Donald Trump makes surprise visit and spent 2 minutes at Martin Luther King Jr.'s memorial
Donald Trump and his Vice President Mike Pence made an unscheduled visit to Martin Luther King Jr.'s memorial in DC last Monday, where he spent a few minutes in the heat to lay a wreath.
Their surprise visit came after he was slammed for not honoring the civil-rights leader in the White House. Earlier that day, Reverend Al Sharpton called out the Trump administration for not having an event scheduled at the White House on the national holiday set to honor Luther King Jr.
In two separate social media posts, he made sure to let everyone see how he and Vice President Pence walked through the memorial to pay respects to the late leader despite not being able to celebrate the day in the White House.
While the New York Post confirmed that neither Trump nor Pence had any prior plans before their two-minute visit, it was still unclear why they had nothing else planned for Martin Luther King Jr. on his holiday.
The late leader's son, Martin Luther King III, used his platform to call out Trump during the DC breakfast held in his father's honor.
"Martin Luther King Jr. was a bridge builder, not a wall builder. Martin Luther King Jr. would say 'Love, not hate, will make America great.'"
The unscheduled visit came just a day after the Trump administration celebrated its second year in office. That same day marked the 30th day of the longest ever partial government shutdown in U.S. history. To commemorate their second year in office, Donald Trump spent most of his time on his favorite social media site, Twitter, where he posted 40 different tweets regarding different topics.
Of course, a lot of these tweets highlighted the supposed accomplishments of his administration throughout his two years in office, a shoutout to how great of a First Lady Melania Trump is, and of course, some retweets of people thanking him for his service to the United States.
As for his tribute to MLK, he posted a single tweet about the honor he felt having visited his memorial on the special holiday.