Student is admonished for refusing to remove a Confederate flag shirt
Students of Fayetteville High School faces wore Confederate flags in support of the hashtag "History Not Hate" to school. After the school requested them to change out of the outfits, one student refused to change and now faces admonishment.
Students at Fayetteville High School decided to show their support for the "History Not Hate" hashtag. Unfortunately, their methods were controversial.
The students wore Confederate flag shirts to show their support. The school asked them to remove them but one upset student, Jagger Starnes refused and faced disciplinary action.

Screenshot of student wearing a Confederates flag | https://www.kark.com
The students believe the school has handled the situation incorrectly. The school apparently gave them only two choices.
They could either take off the shirts and wash their face pain off or they could be sent home. Starnes refused to comply with any of the choices and was suspended as a result.

Screenshot of students wearing Confederate flag jackets | https://www.kark.com
"We're not trying to trample on their first amendment rights we're just trying to have a safe and orderly school environment," says Principal Dr. Jay Dosal.
The students, however, disagree that they are hurting anyone by wearing the jackets. They argue it is not a symbol of oppression but a symbol of Arkansas and the South.

When administrators instructed the students to remove the clothes, student Jagger Starnes refused and was subsequently suspended | https://www.dailymail.co.uk
"None of us are racist, none of us are doing it for hate it's southern pride and we're not going to take it off for anyone, it's our flag, it's Arkansas. This is the south," said Jagger Starnes. He later revealed, "'I told him [the teacher] I wasn't going to take it off. So then I went to the office, had a discussion, and then the head principal ended up calling me racist."
According to another student, Morrigan White, multiple students took part in the "action." Apparently, even some black students joined the movement.

Multiple students took part in the 'action,' including some black students | https://www.dailymail.co.uk
"I just put Confederate flags all over their hands, on their face, wherever they wanted it. During lunch, they had the police, the principal, vice principal Mr. Smith, all of the deans, and they were all telling us we either had to wash it off or go home," said Morrigan White.
Principal, Dr. Jay Dostal asserted that by wearing the Confederate flag they were breaking the school code of conduct. He stated the students were going against the school's policy to keep a safe and undisrupted environment.

Statement from one of the students | https://www.kark.com/news
The policy states that 'attire that disrupts the educational process or otherwise interferes with the rights or opportunities of others to learn or teach [is considered improper and unacceptable].'