Veteran rocker Charlie Daniels blames NY's Dem governor for abortion law: 'Satan is smiling'
Famous music legend Charlie Daniels has recently blasted New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for legalizing abortions up until birth.
Daniels, who has always been very outspoken, claimed that Cuomo's new state law threatens to make the Empire State look like Auschwitz.
The 82-year-old rock star used his official Twitter account to attack Cuomo and tell him that "Satan is smiling," a reference to the Governor's deeds.

Music icon Chalie Daniels - Getty Images
“Watch the wrinkles on Cuomo’s face lengthen as the ramifications of the thousands of murders he has sanctioned come to bear on him."
Charlie Daniels, Twitter, January 26, 2019
According to Daniels, by signing the new abortion law, Cuomo is doing the same thing the Nazi troops did at the concentration camps - executing "defenseless citizens."
Prior to the new abortion law, the state of New York did not allow women to abort after 24 weeks.
Ever since Cuomo passed the Reproductive Health Act, the Governor has been severely criticized by faith leaders and pro-life supporters. Still, he considered the law a "historic victory for New Yorkers and for our progressive values."
As a way to celebrate the Reproductive Health Act, the Governor ordered several New York landmarks, such as One World Trade Center and the Kosciuszko Bridge, to be lit pink.
Prior to the new abortion law, the state of New York did not allow women to abort after 24 weeks, with the only exception being life-endangerment.
Furthermore, it has been reported that if doctors were caught performing a third-trimester abortion, they could face up to seven years behind bars.

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo - Getty Images
As previously mentioned, Cuomo has suffered some backlash from several faith figures, including Albany Bishop Rev. Edward B. Scharfenberger, who wrote an open letter addressing the subject.
The Bishop argued that Cuomo's law is "completely contrary to the teachings of our pope and our Chuch," and that he feared being pro-life may one day be considered a hate crime in New York.
The Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, also signed a letter condemning the bill, claiming that the state had just become even more dangerous for women and their unborn children.