Transgender lottery winner shows off new $54K teeth after losing hers in an attack 7 years ago
58-year-old Melissa Ede is once again flaunting her smile to the world after fixing her teeth with her big lottery winning.
According to Mirror, the former taxi driver from Hull, UK lost several of her teeth many years ago when a passenger attacked her. Previously, she was forced to fill the gaps with chewing gum, bits of card, and fake teeth bought off eBay.
After winning around $4.5 million as lottery money off a scratch card, Ede finally spent around $54,000 to get herself a new set of teeth.
“My teeth were so bad I could have been in the Predator movie. Now I look in the mirror and someone else is looking back. I feel a young lady. I’ve been waiting for this day.”
Melissa Ede, Mirror, February 1, 2019

Source: Instagram/MelissaEde
Ede was also a victim of online abuse because of her grin. She admitted that she had to “learn to smile again” before she could show off her grin to the world.
Besides her brand new set of teeth, she also spent her lottery winnings on a five-bedroom home worth more than $500,000, where she recently moved to with her fiancée Rachel Nason.

Source: Instagram/MelissaEde
She also bought herself a brand new BMW worth over $35,000. Ede also gave away over $200,000 worth of money to charity as well as her friends and strangers.
Emotionally overwhelmed by her transformations, Ede admitted that it all still feels like a dream to her. “I keep expecting to wake up and I find I’m still a taxi driver and Rachel has four jobs,” she told.
Meanwhile, her dentist, Ravinder Varaich, believes that Ede now had everything that she deserves because she has been through a lot. “She had four or five abscesses and most teeth were rotting,” he explained to the source.
Currently, Ede is only prescribed to eat soft food. She has to wait until her temporary teeth are replaced with porcelain implants before she can bite into a steak.
Previously, a man from New Jersey also had his life transformed after winning the big lottery worth $318 million. The jackpot winner decided to buy the lottery while waiting his turn in a queue to return an orange juice.