Bunch of supporters build a 'human wall' on the border, as promised by President Trump
A group of President Donald Trump's supporters "built" a human wall on the border to show approval of his controversial project.
Just days before President Donald Trump's rally in El Paso Texas, dozens of his adherents gathered near Sunland Park, New Mexico to show their continuing support for his border wall project.
"The border city of El Paso, Texas, used to have extremely high rates of violent crime -- one of the highest in the county and considered one of our nation's most dangerous cities. Now, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of our safest cities."
The building of a border wall between the US and Mexico was one of the key points of the President's electoral campaign, and cause what was to become the longest government shutdown in US history.
The Trump supporters at Sunland Park, New Mexico showed their support by linking arms and "building" a human wall along the border between the two countries.
FBI statistics show that El Paso's crime rate prior to the building of the wall was, in fact, one of the lowest in Texas.
The enthusiastic demonstrators wore MAGA hats, and brandished American flags while chanting "build a wall."
The President has often stated his belief that the wall will prevent crime and the deaths of thousands of Americans at the hands of illegal immigrants and reiterated his view during the State of the Union address.
President Donald Trump used El Paso as an example of a city "extremely high rates of violent crime -- one of the highest in the county" that had seen its crime rate plummet due to the building of a segment of the wall.
Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar who represents El Paso has appealed to President Trump to apologize to the community:
"These distortions about our vibrant community are harmful to our reputation and degrade our spirit. I urge you to treat this visit as your opportunity not only to correct the record and ensure that the misinformation you stated on the national stage is retracted, but also an opportunity to apologize to El Pasoans for the disparagement of our community."
The President's statement has since been refuted, and FBI statistics show that El Paso's crime rate prior to the building of the wall was, in fact, one of the lowest in Texas.
President Donald Trump's push to build the border wall continues unabated, and he stated February 5, 2019 that:
"Tremendous numbers of people are coming up through Mexico in the hopes of flooding our Southern Border.We have sent additional military. We will build a Human Wall if necessary."
The Pentagon announced that it will be reinforcing immigration officer at the border by deploying an additional 3,750 US troops. This will bring the number of troops deployed in the are to approximately 4,350.
The deployment follows on the signing of a continuing resolution to reopen the government, which Trump had shut down after Congress refused to foot the $5.7 billion bill for a border wall.
The negotiations over border security funding is still ongoing.
In a related story, President Donald Trump's first rally for the year was in El Paso, Texas and the wall was the central topic.