Man is charged after throwing duct-taped dog out of a car into a ditch in the freezing cold
A man was recently arrested after being found guilty of duct taping a dog's legs and snout and leaving it in a ditch in freezing temperatures.
The dog, originally named Flick, but nicknamed Jimmy by the hospital staff, was found by a police officer 12 hours later on the side of the road particularly malnourish and very frightened.
It has been reported that the suspect, already identified as Paul Garcia, from Missouri, is currently being held with on a cash bond of $50,000.
The news of the arrest was delivered by Sheriff Dave Marshak from the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office through a press release on Thursday, February 14, 2019.
The name of the deputy who found the dachshund is yet to be revealed but the canine was found last Saturday, February 9, during an early Saturday morning patrol.
The 39-year-old criminal wrapped electrical and duct tape around Flick's legs and mouth before driving to the area of Highway M and Schneider Drive.
Authorities believe Garcia pulled over and threw the dog out of his window and into the ditch before driving away. Jimmy spent half a day scared, alone and in extremely low temperatures before being rescued.
The police were able to track down Garcia, who isn't even the dog's owner, after recovering fingerprints from the electrical tape. Fortunately, this story had a happy ending because the police was able to find Flick's owner thanks to the Facebook community.
Flick manged to recover under the care of the Ivan Animal Hospital and his owner later went by the instituiton to pick him up. The reunion couldn't have been more emotional for both of them.
Recently, a dog named Milo was also abused after being allegedly thrown off a four-storied building. The two-year-old canine landed on top of an adjacent two-storied building and was left with a broken back and severely injured rear legs.
Dr. Lauren Guiot, Milo's surgeon at the Access Animal Hospital in Culver City, California, claimed that he would most likely be permanently paralyzed but, thanks to physical therapy, Milo is slowly making a remarkable recovery.
At the time, Milo was at the care of a pet-sitter, whose name is yet to be revealed, from the Rover company and the Los Angeles Police Department's Animal Cruelty Task Force is currently investigating the case.