
Donald Trump Calls Kellyanne Conway's Husband a 'Total Loser’ Following His Mocking Tweets

Jaimie-lee Prince
Mar 19, 2019
05:04 P.M.

President Donald Trump decided to use name-calling to call out Kellyanne Conway's husband on Tuesday.


The president of the United States' top aide Kellyanne Conway is in a bizarre position as her husband, George Conway, is a strong critic of Trump.

George has been throwing attacks at the president for months now so the weekend tweet that began this recent back and forth was nothing new.

After Trump went on his usual rants, sending out over 50 tweets this weekend according to CBS, George responded with just one on Sunday:

"His condition is getting worse."


That triggered Trump's 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale to make a claim against George:

"We all know that @realDonaldTrump turned down Mr. Kellyanne Conway for a job he desperately wanted," Parscale said, adding: "Now he hurts his wife because he is jealous of her success. POTUS doesn’t even know him!"

With that, the president retweeted Parscale's words on his own account with one addition:


"A total loser!"

Ironically, George was appreciative of the president's response as it would simply mean more persons would migrate over to his account. He recently posted a description of what having a narcissistic personality looks like.

He said:

"Congratulations! You just guaranteed that millions of more people are going to learn about narcissistic personality disorder and malignant narcissism! Great job!"


In the tweet which was sourced from the American Psychiatric Association’s “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders," he simply asked: "Tell us, @realDonaldTrump—which of these diagnostic criteria do you not satisfy?"

Another tweet linked to an article asserting that Trump was a "textbook case" of pathological narcissism. George stated it was the first article that allowed him to understand the president.


Wife Kellyanne replied to questions about how she felt regarding her husband's diagnosis of her boss. She said, "No, I don't share those concerns."

The assessment from George followed Trump's tweets about a "Saturday Night Live" rerun, the deceased senator John McCain, the investigation into Trump, the media, General Motors, and more.

Kellyanne certainly has a dilemma with her position and how it's affected by her husband's outspokenness on the president. This wasn't always the case though.


The Washington Post conducted an at-home an interview in the couple's home where they looked at a picture of George crying upon news of his wife's election to counsel.

Now, George said, he "cries for other reasons." It was he who introduced his wife to the president, something he clearly regrets. Meanwhile, Kellyanne is also on the attack.

She took to social media to ridicule celebrities found to be involved in the college admissions scheme which recently came to light. Most notably, Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin have become the faces of the scandal.


Kellyanne referred to Loughlin and Huffman as "stupid" for committing the act. In another post, she said that the 48 others who were charged "failed these kids."

The scandal found that over 50 people spent or received upwards of $200,000 and as much as $6.5 million dollars to bribe persons at various universities across the country. Loughlin and her husband allegedly shelled out $500,000 for their two daughters.

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