
Michelle Obama Regards Donald Trump as America's 'Divorced Dad'

Gracious Egedegbe
Apr 17, 2019
04:11 A.M.

Michelle Obama wasted no time in describing the country’s situation under the leadership of the current Republican administration. She described Donald Trump as "America's divorced dad"


Regarding Donald Trump’s governance, she personified the country as being an adolescent from a broken home, while President Trump is the “divorced dad.”


Donald Trump is a somewhat controversial figure, from the way he handles state matters, to his sniveling posts on social media. He is getting a dose of his own medicine as the former first lady metaphorically dishes to the media her perception on the way the country is being run, while she was on tour to advertise her new book, “Becoming” in London. In her words:

“We come from a broken family, we are a little unsettled. Sometimes you spend the weekend with divorced dad. That feels like fun but then you get sick. That is what America is going through. We are living with the divorced dad.”

Michelle went on to talk about how Trump’s insensitivity to the citizens via some of his policies have affected and changed the lives of families. She revealed that she had included the president’s name and some of his activities in her new book. The autobiography has gained popularity with over 10 million copies sold.


Her support for her husband was evident in the way she defended his policies; she made it clear in her statement that Obama’s administration that is heavily criticized by Trump ought not to be. In an expression targeted at the President she said:

“For anyone who had any problem with Barack Obama, let’s just think about what we were troubled by, there were never any indictments.”

When questioned about her take on the politics of the United Kingdom, she pointed out that it is a general issue, and she went on to commend the London politics for its genuine representation of global diversity. She also added that the world is at the peak of witnessing dramatic change because more and more people are getting enlightened.


She further encouraged this change and charged every citizen to “roll up their sleeves.” She said citizens could be instrumental to the change; they could captain the ship for themselves rather than be content with whatever they get from their leaders. According to her:

“So my advice is get to work, don’t be complacent and don’t become so cynical that you just turn off because democracy never stops. Just because you get cynical and emotional about it, it keeps going, so we cannot afford to sit on the sidelines.”

Michelle Obama In a Conversation At The O2 Arena | Photo: Getty Images

Michelle Obama In a Conversation At The O2 Arena | Photo: Getty Images

The yes-we-can slogan seems to be a watchword on the lips on Michelle who is disgruntled by the way the republican rule is dealing with tantamount matters.

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