Harriet Tubman Trailer Heavily Slammed after British Actress Is Cast in Main Role
British actress Cynthia Erivo is set to play a titular role in the upcoming American biographical movie, “Harriet” but, that doesn't sit too well with netizens.
The official trailer for “Harriet” was only recently released, and it quickly shot to fame.
“Be free or die. Watch the official trailer for #HARRIET, the unbelievable true story of Harriet Tubman. In theaters this November,” the official Twitter team for the film tweeted on July 23rd.
The movie revolves around the true-life story of Harriet Tubman, who was an American abolitionist and political activist. Cynthia Erivo who plays the main character, Tubman, has been found by netizens to be born to a London-based Nigerian.
That means she is not of American origin and, fans have thus, expressed absolute disapproval of her portrayal of the role of Harriet, who was American through and through.
Born a slave, Tubman touted the rule and managed to escape her masters and would go on to rescue as many as seventy other people during thirteen missions.
Even long after her 1913 demise, Tubman is still widely recognized as a heroic figure in the history of America for her resilience and unending passion for abolishing slavery.
Tubman’s unique story has made the soon-to-be-released movie adaptation, one movie, buffs are looking forward to. Albeit, the subject of Erivo being improper for the role because she is not an American descendant of slavery has become rather trendy.
One such Twitter user, @glenthecreator tweeted:
" #CynthiaErivo should have never been given the role of #HarrietTubman. She disrespected #ADOS Lineage/Culture/History-#AmericanHistory. Disgusting, someone who hates us get to play us.#Harriet #LineageMatters-#HarrietDeservesBetter #BoycottHarriet"
Another @Treslyon quipped:
“Yea not going to see this she’s not African American she doesn’t understand black & she makes fun American Black women.... my is black & American this movie means something to us ... she’s trash #BoycottHarriet.”
One netizen even went to great lengths to prove that Erivo is no good for “Harriet.” The user took a screenshot of some of Cynthia’s tweets from 2013, where she referred to African-American vernacular as a “ghetto American accent.”
Erivo once publicly declared that she expected that much from critics considering that she is indeed British. She further explained that taking up the task of playing Harriet is one that has “been long and detailed, and one I have not taken lightly.”
One can only hope that the film, set to be released in November, will receive good reception in the box office.