42-inch-tall Bladen Pietro Has Broken Hundreds of Bones in His Life due to Brittle Bone Disease
It’s hard for an average person to imagine breaking a bone, but a young man in North Carolina has broken over a hundred bones due to a rare genetic condition.
He is fascinating and lives a very active life. Famous YouTuber, Bladen Pietro aka Bastrin, has a rare genetic condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta.
The condition which is also called brittle bone disease has caused the young man from North Carolina to break over a hundred bones in his body.
Bladen Pietro, 42-inch-tall Man who broke a Couple of 100 Bones’ due to a Rare Genetic Condition.| Photo: YouTube/ Barcroft TV.
In an interview for the “Born Different” series on Barcroft TV, Pietro recounted how he handles day-to-day life. The 21-year-old gamer whose height is at 42 inches told the network that people used to see him as a disabled child in a wheelchair. To change that perspective, he decided to grow a beard and look older.
Pietro equally proudly stated that he lives life on his terms, and has not let his disability stop him from being active. His mother, Erin, explained that as a child, her son broke his bones quickly, and no one knew what was wrong with him.
Bladen Pietro, 42-inch-tall Man who broke a Couple of 100 Bones’ due to a Rare Genetic Condition.| Photo: YouTube/ Barcroft TV.
Upon discovering that the YouTuber’s bones are as fragile as glass, Erin, who was once excited about his birth, resigned herself to a difficult journey ahead. Now, she says,
“I didn’t know what the future held, but it turned out very well.”
The mum-of-two added that Pietro is self-sufficient, but needs occasional help. The North Carolina native said regarding his life that he hopes to inspire people with disabilities by living his life without fear. His desire for those physically challenged is,
“I want people with disabilities to feel that they are deserving of everything, and can do anything if they put their mind to it.”
“You might have difficulties, limitations, but in the end, you can do what you want to... Just stay positive, no matter who you are. Just live life and be happy because you only got one life to live.”
The young man’s YouTube channel has over 400,000 subscribers. He does commentaries on Fornite games, vlogs, and food and drinks reviews.
Although his father, Greg, thought it was a waste of time when Pietro started, he has since changed his mind and believes his son can do anything he sets his mind to.
Pietro has overcome his physical limitations by focusing on the good things in his life, and he is happily living his best life.