Man Sparks Heated Debate for Expecting Wife to Do All the Housework If She Quits Job
A man has set netizens abuzz after sharing that he expects his wife to do all of the house chores if she goes through with plans to quit her job.
Via Reddit, the man gave an explicit explanation of the current situation at his home. First and foremost, he stated that his wife had voiced her plans to stop working so she can be a stay at home mom. Her reason is so she can spend more time with their one child.
Husband tells wife that he expects her to do all the house chores if she quits her job | Shutterstock
She pushes that their four-year-old daughter needs more attention and that she wants to "stop leaving her at daycare centers." The man continues that the plan means he has to work longer to get a higher pay that would adequately cater to their needs.
Then comes in the disputing factor between the anonymous man and his wife.
"I told her that if she quits her job then I expect her to cover all the housework."
Husband tells wife that he expects her to do all the house chores if she quits her job | Getty Images
I may not be splitting the chores with her, since having longer working hours is rather tiring. I will help out on weekends, but during weekdays I rather rest," the man wrote.
He shares that, in response, his wife pushed that she is not a housekeeper and that he is "discriminative against women."
"I don't really mean that, as I think it is fair that if she stops contributing to our household income, she can handle all the housework."
Husband tells wife that he expects her to do all the house chores if she quits her job | Getty Images
"I will also become the sole breadwinner and work extra hard to support the family. AITA?" he writes to defend himself.
As expected, the question quickly gained attention on the internet as it took on the famous feminist twist.
Many people noted that unlike his wife had said, the man is not being discriminatory but just pushing for equality which is, in fact, the ultimate rule in feminism.
Husband tells wife that he expects her to do all the house chores if she quits her job | Photo: Getty Images
A minor few, who have been in similar situations, even shared tips on how they have managed to jump that hurdle of "the stay at home wife starting to feel like a maid."
There are many more controversial threads about stay at home moms on Reddit. One anonymous woman sought people's opinion about her wanting a salary as a housewife.
That is especially one interesting read, but all in all, it narrows down to ensuring there is equality when it comes to sharing responsibilities in the family.