Woman Who Chose Not to Help Ex Who's Sleeping in a Car 2 Years after Their Painful Breakup Sparks Debate
A Reddit user sparked a heated debate after sharing her story of how she is letting her ex sleep in the car after a messy breakup.
The user, "CanIGetAHoyaaHhhh," remained discreet about the name of her ex and used the letter "S" throughout the post. She began with the breakup, which she stated happened two years ago.
Adding to the unfortunate split, S broke the news before the user started her final semester in college after she introduced him to all her friends and co-workers during her promotion party.

A picture of a couple at sunset. | Source: Unsplash.com
The user also mentioned that they were serious about the relationship but figured out that S was cheating on them and manipulating them for the entirety of the relationship.
They also mentioned that S continued trying to win them back for a couple of months. S apparently harassed their new partner as well. Months after the relationship was over, they crossed paths again.

A picture of crossroads. | Source: Unsplash.com
On November 11, the user stepped out to the convenience store to buy some things that he needed and noticed S on her way out, walking towards him.
She mentioned that S was from a well off family and drove high-end vehicles but was unrecognizable that night. Her car was shabby, and her clothes were too.

A couple standing without making eye contact. | Source: Unsplash.com
The ex-couple talked for a couple of minutes, and the user found out that her relationships had gone downhill, her family had kicked her out, and she had lost her job.
S requested the user to let her crash in her apartment for the night, but he denied the request and walked away. She concluded that she let out a laugh at the situation and felt bad about doing so. She noted that an Ice storm was on its way to the area.
Reddit took to the comment threads, and the user was active in replying to the various opinions. The majority of the comments agreed that the user was not the [expletive.]
Mainly focusing on how the relationship was a relic of the past, the users wrote how there was no obligation for the one posting to take care of S anymore.

A comment on the AITA forum | Source: Reddit

A comment on the AITA forum | Source: Reddit
Many other users also mentioned that the character that S was portraying led her to destroy her life, and she was bound to run into a wall soon.
They also mentioned how she deserved what she was getting and probably would learn a lesson about life and karma.
Here's another story of a man who kept his father's love child a secret from the family sparked a huge debate on the AITA forum.