Woman Roasted for Refusing to Support Son's Pregnant Girlfriend Unless She Takes Paternity Test
A woman on Reddit has gotten a lot of backlash for her inconsiderate behaviour towards her son's pregnant partner.
A supposed soon to be grandma has taken to Reddit to ask users for their opinion on the conditions surrounding the pregnancy of her son's partner. The woman stated that her son, who was 24 years old informed them of his pregnant partner, and she is having a hard time believing this partner.
She mentioned that the couple just started dating not up to 6 months and the girl was already four months pregnant. She further said that the girl who was a recovering addict and had lost both parents might be trying to choose her son because he seemed like a better option in terms of child support.

Pregnant lady | Photo: Shutterstock
She explained that she did not dislike the girl but felt she was not being completely truthful as regards the paternity of the child and was looking for a way to push it on her son who was set to start working in his father's business.
She further stated that she does not see it as a big deal to take a paternity test as this will help assuage all parties involved. She said:
"Since my son first told us she is pregnant, it can't escape my mind that he may not really be the father and that she picked him out of potential others because he would be the "best" in terms of support."

Pregnant couple | Photo: Shutterstock
She further explained that her son was mounting pressure on them to support the girl as he felt they disliked the girl and were not ready to become grandparents which according to her was utterly untrue.
"My son is pushing us to help her with some of her pregnancy expenses, and I told him we would under the condition that she get a paternity test first. He completely blew up at that, accusing us of disliking her (untrue) and not wanting to he grandparents (also untrue). He says he loves her and trusts her and that he can't wait to meet his baby. I get that, but I think he's being idealistic," she said.
In the comment section, readers gave their various opinions and many of them accused the woman of being biased and unkind to the poor girlfriend.

People arguing | Photo: Shutterstock
"It seems you're operating from a biased and paranoid stance. You have zero hard evidence to support your theory on why she's trying to "trap" your son. Also, the things you are judging his girlfriend for are the exact things that make her fucking resilient. That is, in the aftermath of great devastation," someone said
"Your son believes in treating his girlfriend's pregnancy as his, so follow suit. You under no circumstances are obligated to assist financially regardless of who the father is, but your disdain and judgment are incredibly vulgar and you ought to be ashamed of yourself," another said

Sad couple | Photo: Shutterstock
Another user on Reddit also shared her experience, in which she wanted her partner to get a paternity test for his daughter whose mother had been cheating on him before their divorce. The user stated that she wanted her fiance to get a paternity test because she was going to be paying half the fees for the upbringing of the child.
Reddit users came for her in the comment section calling her selfish and uncaring for the daughter.