
Man Who Doesn't Want to Adopt His Late Sister's 5-Year-Old Daughter Gets Slammed

Lois Oladejo
Dec 23, 2019
07:30 P.M.

A Reddit user came under fire for his reluctance to adopt his sister's daughter after she died in an accident.


A Reddit user got more than he bargained for when he took to the online platform to share his dilemma over adopting his orphaned niece.

The confused man started by sharing the state of his relationship with his girlfriend by revealing that they were both in a financially stable state and live in their own home.

Man sitting while using laptop. | Photo: Pexels

Man sitting while using laptop. | Photo: Pexels

The Reddit user went on to share that his sister had a five-year-old daughter who came in to spend time with him and his girlfriend whenever her parents were out of town.

The writer also revealed that he and his beau were fond of his niece and loved her wholeheartedly. The parents of the girl dropped her off at the writer's home in their usual manner when they had to go on a vacation.


Trouble, however, started when the parents of the little girl lost their lives after they were involved in an accident on their way home.

Man looking pensively at a laptop | Photo: Pexels

Man looking pensively at a laptop | Photo: Pexels

The aggrieved man took the pain of explaining the unfortunate occurrence to his 5-year-old niece. In his write up, he disclosed that he was the only sibling of his late sister, and his parents were too old to raise a child. He wrote:

"Her husband didn't have any siblings, and both my parents and my sisters-in-law are too old to raise a child."

The writer, who thought his niece staying in his home was a temporary arrangement, got the shock of his life when his parents said they felt he should adopt the young girl.

A man walking with a child | Source: Unsplash.com

A man walking with a child | Source: Unsplash.com

The writer relayed that although he and his beau love the girl, they weren't financially buoyant enough to raise her. The man shared that he plans to have kids someday, but he isn't prepared to cater to one yet.

Their only surviving grandparent is in jail.

Friends of the writer support his decision to place his niece up for adoption or in foster care, but the writer is in a fix as his family is vehemently against it.

Girls playing with their dolls outdoors. | Source: Shutterstock.

Girls playing with their dolls outdoors. | Source: Shutterstock.


While some users were empathetic about the writer's plight, others were disappointed that he would think of letting go of his niece, who just went through the trauma of losing both her parents.

One user wrote:

"YTA. This is a tragedy, and I'm so sorry for your loss, but I think in times like this, you need to step up."

Another Reddit user in a similar situation shared his dilemma on the platform. The writer revealed that he lost his sister, a mother of two children of ages 5 and 2, to a drug overdose.

Young couple arranges guardianship of little girl. | Photo: Shutterstock

Young couple arranges guardianship of little girl. | Photo: Shutterstock

The writer explained that the father of the kids is unknown, and their only surviving grandparent is in jail, making him the closest relation to assume the position of guardianship.


The writer, however, has never wanted kids and doesn't want to keep them. His married cousin offered to take the children in, and although that decision is in the writer's interest, he feels horrible about it.

Sad little girl is looking while her parents are arguing in the background. | Photo: Getty Images

Sad little girl is looking while her parents are arguing in the background. | Photo: Getty Images

Reddit users showed great support for the writer. They relayed that the kids need to live in a happy and stable family than to be with a close relative who sees them as an object.

The Reddit users advised the writer to be present in their lives even though they are not living with him.

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