Service Dog Comforts Doctors and Nurses Who Are Fighting Coronavirus
In Denver, Colorado, a service dog in training named Wynn is carrying bliss and solace to the medical staff on the front lines of the coronavirus battle.
Wynn serves up cuddles to health care workers who need a genuinely necessary mental break from the emergency room at Rose Medical Center, as reported by CNN.
Being trained by an emergency physician at the hospital, Susan Ryan, the one-year-old yellow Labrador is no more unusual to the medical staff.
As of late, Ryan posted a photo of herself and Wynn. In the adorable snap, she is seen donning a face shield and a mask while sitting on the floor of the hospital petting the dog.
In an interview with CNN, Ryan said that she saw Wynn returning from being walked outside. The emergency physician added:
"I just slumped down on the floor and said 'can I just have a minute with her'?'"
Ryan continued that she had quite recently finished with a patient and cleaned up before getting some quality time with Wynn.
"Seeing stuff and hearing stuff that you can't unsee has an impact on you. That's where the dogs come in," Ryan explained. "When you are in the presence of the dog and petting them you are taking a moment to ground yourself at that present time."
According to Ryan, this isn't the first time Wynn consoling individuals.
As reported by PEOPLE, Wynn is currently in training to turn into an assistance dog with CCI, a non-profit that gives these creatures free of charge to those out of luck.
According to Ryan, this isn't the first time Wynn consoling individuals. At about two months old, she started training Wynn and regularly carries her to the hospital for patient visits.
To guarantee Wynn and those who touch her stay safe, hospital workers thoroughly wash their hands before playing with the Lab. They can play with the dog inside the office of Wynn.
Meanwhile, in Cedar Park, Texas, Tonka, the Great Dane, is giving comparable calming services at senior centers to spread happiness to residents, PEOPLE reported.
A certified therapy dog with The Dog Alliance, Tonka has gotten imaginative with how he brightens up senior residents.
Recently, the dog has been pawing up to the outside windows of the senior center and making proper acquaintance with occupants through the glass.