Story of the Day: There Once Was a Little Boy Who Had a Bad Temper
Sometimes, scars from being physically hurt heal faster than hurtful words that resonate in a person’s head, which is why it is always important to think before speaking and control your anger.
A young boy’s father noticed that his son had a bad temper and wanted to teach his child a lesson in the best way possible, all while controlling his anger.
One day, the father gave his son a bag filled with nails and a hammer to match. He said that the lad must hammer a nail into the fence for every instance that he lost his temper.
The kid accepted the task and ended up hammering 37 nails into the fence on his first day. While it was a lot, the next few weeks saw a gradual decrease in the number of nails that went up the fence.
He slowly got control of his temper and realized that it was easier to hold his anger than to drive a nail into the fence.
At last, a day came where the little boy didn’t lose his temper at all. The proud lad immediately told his father of his milestone, to which his father suggested a different task.
Now, the young boy had to do the opposite and pull out one nail for every day that he was able to keep his temper under control.
Days passed, and finally, the boy could tell his father that all the nails were gone. His father walked his son by the fence and congratulated him. “You have done well my son, but look at the holes in the fence,” he said.
“The fence will never be the same,” he added. “When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say sorry.”
The boy slowly realized the lesson his father taught him about leaving a scar on a person regardless of how much apologies you make.
“A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one,” the wise dad continued. The people who care about you, be it family or friends, are rare and precious.
These people are those who support and encourage you in times when you feel your lowest, but sometimes, we may lose them while we lose our temper.
Always remember to be kind and to water your relationships so they may grow and bloom even more. Be thankful for the friendships and relationships you have with the people you love most.
What did you think of this story? In a similar story, a woman’s broken relationship brought a better one without her expecting it.