Colin Kaepernick Reacts to George Floyd's Death with an Emotional Post
Colin Kaepernick took to Instagram to share an emotional post about the death of George Floyd and the protests that have ensued following his death.
Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick took to Instagram to air his grievances about the death of 46-year-old Minneapolis resident, George Floyd.

Colin Kaepernick at a private NFL workout held at Charles R Drew high school on November 16, 2019. | Photo: Getty Images
Following George's death at the hands of a police officer, protesters have taken to the street to show their grievances, and Colin weighed in on the matter.
The image Colin shared was a written piece that detailed his thoughts about the protest. He started by saying:
"When civility leads to death, revolting is the only logical reaction."
The next phrase then talked about how, when the cries for peace begins to rain down, it will land on deaf ears because violence had brought the resistance.
Colin then mentioned that people had the right to fight back while concluding the piece by saying, "Rest in Power George Floyd."
Colin understood what racism meant from a young age.
Colin's post comes a few days after several celebrities have spoken up about the situation surrounding George's death and also shared side by side images of Colin kneeling during the national anthem and the police officer kneeling on Goerge's neck.
For some, the meaning of Colin's famous kneel during the national anthem is taking on a new sense as the fight against police brutality continues. In the comments section of his post, someone said:
"I used to think that when you were kneeling that it was disrespectful and stupid, but now... my perspective has totally changed."
While there was a lot of debate over Colin's post, some were insulting him and questioning his agenda, most of the comments were in support of the post and asked that other people speak about such issues.
The 32-year-old former football player who began kneeling during the national anthem as a means to protest police brutality against people of color stands firmly by the fact that every life matters irrespective of color.
Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Colin understood what racism meant from a young age when his white parents adopted him after his birth mother gave him up. Colin took note of the whispers and has talked about his race and family from then.
While he might have been blackballed in the NFL, according to him, for taking a stance against racism, Colin has vowed never to give up the fight, and the death of George Floyd is more proof that he still has more battles to win.