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Watch How This News Anchor Kept Her Cool When She Caught Her Tooth as It Fell Out on Live TV

Olowokandi Fiyin
Jul 21, 2020
07:20 P.M.

Marichka Padalko has become an online sensation after she maintained top-notch professionalism when one of her teeth fell out during a live news program.


Marichka Padalko, who is a Ukrainian news anchor that works with the country’s TSN channel, shocked many viewers when her tooth fell out during a recent live broadcast.


The 44-year-old was casting the news during a live session of the prime-time show when part of her front teeth fell out. Instead of stopping to correct the error, Marichka just lifted her hand to catch the falling tooth and carried on with her news report — without missing a beat.

[It was noted that] the reason for the incident was that Marichka forgot to fully follow her dentist’s advice to avoid using her front teeth when consuming hard food.


Even though she acted like nothing was amiss, viewers could easily spot the rift caused by the missing tooth. Today reported that the clip of the incident, which came with three other images, was posted on Marichka’s Instagram page with the caption:

“This is probably my most curious experience in twenty years as a presenter. Live broadcasting is wonderful because it is always unpredictable.”

Stating that her co-worker reached out to state that she “reacted as if you were losing your teeth every day,” Marichka recounted how she became saddled with the falling tooth.


According to the mother-of-three, she had to get some dental work done ten years ago after her front tooth got knocked out by an alarm clock that her daughter was playing with.

While concluding her post, the journalist showed her appreciation to people who gave her accolades for not losing her composure when her tooth fell out.


Indian Express noted that the reason for the incident was that Marichka forgot to fully follow her dentist’s advice to avoid using her front teeth when consuming hard food.

BBC News added that the journalist, who is married to the Ukrainian politician Yehor Soboliev, had hopes that “the incident would go unnoticed,” as the episode was not shared via the TSN YouTube channel.

The cast and crew of the channel clearly miscalculated the attention skills of their viewers, who pointed out the incident. The video has already garnered nearly 40,000 likes, with over 2,000 comments from Marichka’s growing fanbase around the world.

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