
Woman Lets Her Daughter Repurpose a Gift She Didn't like or Want

Junie Sihlangu
Aug 29, 2020
09:20 P.M.

Reddit has a group where one can offload their issues and find out if people think you were right or wrong for the way you reacted. A woman posted about how she allowed her daughter to repurpose a gift she didn’t want and wanted to know what members thought.


So here’s the story, a woman had a miscarriage several years ago and her sister-in-law found out about it recently. In a “misguided” attempt to show support, the sister-in-law sent the poster a poem about babies being in heaven.

The large framed poem was also decorated with angels. As much as the gift was probably meant in good faith, the poster felt it was tacky and unwanted.

A statue of baby angels hugging in a garden | Photo: Needpix/Timelessbronze

A statue of baby angels hugging in a garden | Photo: Needpix/Timelessbronze


She explained how she wasn’t grieving the loss and isn’t religious; which is something her sister-in-law knows. The poster also revealed how the poem wasn’t her style and that she didn’t want to put it up.

The sister-in-law saw the repurposed gift and confronted her brother.


Her oldest daughter, who is very creative, asked if she could use the poem in one of her art collages instead. The result was something the woman actually liked.

Woman engaged in creative work with art supplies | Photo: Shutterstock/Kostikova Natalia

Woman engaged in creative work with art supplies | Photo: Shutterstock/Kostikova Natalia


Her daughter had taken parts of the poem and some images from the gift and put them together with other items. The end result left her mother feeling grateful for her creative children and moved her feelings away from the reminder of that difficult and painful time in her life.

Pleased with how the gift looked now, the woman’s husband got it framed and they hung it up on a wall. One night, the woman’s husband was on FaceTime with the sister-in-law and noticed the gift on the wall.

Woman hanging a frame on a gray wall | Photo: Shutterstock/Igor_Kravtsov

Woman hanging a frame on a gray wall | Photo: Shutterstock/Igor_Kravtsov


The poster revealed how upset she was but her brother explained that even though they appreciated the gesture; the present was just inappropriate. He explained to her that he thought repurposing parts of the gift was better than just throwing the whole thing out.

The poster shared how she understood that for her sister-in-law, who is religious and has struggled with fertility issues, the whole thing was quite personal. However, the woman and her sister-in-law aren’t close at all.

Man looking serious while on a laptop | Photo: Shutterstock/Stockbakery

Man looking serious while on a laptop | Photo: Shutterstock/Stockbakery



The woman also noted how she didn’t appreciate the random gift about angel babies, years after her miscarriage. She confessed how the present felt strange and invasive to her.

A frustrated and annoyed woman sitting in front of  laptop | Photo: Shutterstock/fizkes

A frustrated and annoyed woman sitting in front of laptop | Photo: Shutterstock/fizkes


The poster admitted that she didn’t feel regret but wanted to make peace. She explained her thoughts stating:

“I don't feel bad about letting my daughter cut the poem up, but I need to say something to SIL to keep the peace.”

Angel baby artwork on a pink background with a red heart | Photo: Shutterstock/Assa2215

Angel baby artwork on a pink background with a red heart | Photo: Shutterstock/Assa2215



She concluded her post by asking members what they thought. Several responders assured the poster she wasn’t wrong and put the blame on her sister-in-law.

Conceptual hand writing showing the word "Poetry" written in a frame | Photo: Shutterstock/Artur Szczybylo

Conceptual hand writing showing the word "Poetry" written in a frame | Photo: Shutterstock/Artur Szczybylo


While others thought both the poster and sister-in-law weren’t wrong because their intent wasn’t malicious. What do you think and how would you have handled the same situation if you were the poster?

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