Woman Tells Her Father-In-Law to Leave Her Daughter's Birthday Celebration
A Reddit user told her father in law to leave her daughter's birthday party after he repeatedly made the girl uncomfortable with rude and sexual remarks about her outfit.
, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they couldn't have a big party as planned. However, she told her daughter to pick six guests she would like to have at a mini party without her mom picking offense over whoever she chose.
The girl ended up picking both her maternal and paternal grandparents, her boyfriend, and her best friend. The party was meant to be a small celebration with pizza, cake, and a bonfire.

A birthday cake with candles on it. | Photo: Flikr
The girl chose to wear a dress she picked out in April for the original birthday party for the celebration. The Reddit user thought the outfit was nice, so she agreed to it.
On the day of the celebration, the Reddit user's inlaws arrived early, and the birthday girl went downstairs in her dress. On getting downstairs, the Reddit user's father in law looked at the girl's dress and made a remark about it being short.
However, the woman looked at her father in law and told him the dress was okay while reassuring her daughter that she looked beautiful.
Her father-in-law then shrugged his shoulders and mentioned that he would not have allowed his daughter to wear a dress like that when she was 16.
This Reddit user noticed that her daughter was becoming uncomfortable, so she asked her to come help in the kitchen. There she assured the girl that she looked fine.
At some point, the Reddit user's husband asked his dad to stop making remarks about the girl's dress, and things went smoothly for a while. Shortly after, the girl's boyfriend arrived, and she proceeded to introduce him to her paternal grandparents.
Once again, the woman's father in law commented on the girl having a boyfriend. He then added that he hoped she was wearing shorts under her dress.
The girl got really embarrassed, and the woman asked her father-in-law to stop passing comments at her daughter, or she would tell him to leave.
The man replied, stating that he did not think it was appropriate for the girl to wear a short dress around boys. After this, the woman ended up telling him to leave.
The man and his wife then got up and left. The Reddit user's and her husband then got into an argument because he believes she overreacted.
Although the woman admitted that she should not have acted how she did, she insisted that her father in law was wrong to have said those things to her daughter.
Other Reddit users seemed to agree with the woman, with many telling the woman they think she handled the situation well.
In another story, a man who doesn't fancy his girlfriend's mom told her that he wouldn't have dated her if she was his age.