
Man Didn't Get His Son's Paternity Tested

Lois Oladejo
Sep 12, 2020
11:30 P.M.

A Reddit user recently took to the platform to give an account of his tumultuous relationship with his ex-wife and why he has refused to get his son's paternity tested despite pressure from her.


Child paternity issues can be very tricky to handle, and a particular user recently left other subreddits in a dilemma after sharing his sad personal story.

The single father claimed he divorced his ex-wife about four years ago because she continuously put their children in harm's way due to her addiction to drugs.

Woman and man fighting in a park. | Photo: Pexels

Woman and man fighting in a park. | Photo: Pexels

Following the divorce, he was awarded sole custody of their three kids because he had a much healthier financial status, coupled with the fact that his ex-wife's housing situation was uncertain at the time.

At the time, the two oldest daughters were teen girls and already had a strained relationship with their mom. However, his son was only 2, and he occasionally allowed him to spend time with his ex-wife soon after their divorce, even though she was not paying the court-ordered child support.

Man and woman sitting on a bench. | Photo: Pexels

Man and woman sitting on a bench. | Photo: Pexels

The man claimed that his ex-wife eventually relocated several states away from him, limiting her relationship with her son to virtual communication via the occasional video calls.

The Reddit user revealed they had all gotten used to the new routine until his estranged wife recently informed him she would like to pursue custody of her son and also dropped a bombshell on him.

She claimed he was not the boy's biological father and that the person she had moved in with was the real father and so it is best for him to be with his "real" parents.


The father of three claims he was initially stunned by his ex-wife's revelation, and despite her insistence on a paternity test, he has so far refused to entertain the idea. In his words:

"I cried when I first held him, I raised him, I fed him, changed him...He is my son in every way whether or not a paternity test says so."

The revelation put him and his ex on the warpath, and he even threatened to sue her for all unpaid child support and emotional damage plus all medical expenses he had paid for her if she went on with her plan to pursue custody.

Furthermore, he highlighted how uprooting his six-year-old son from the life he has known into strange surroundings could hurt the boy.


His ex-wife then showed up unannounced at his house, claiming she was clean and wanted her son to be with her and his real father. He claimed she only left after he threatened to call the cops.

Following the surprise visit, her partner also called him and begged him to see things from his own angle. He explained his anguish in knowing he has a son, yet still unable to meet him. His ex-wife's partner also pleaded with him to do the paternity test.

Neither of them was able to change his stance on the paternity test. The single father also claimed he blocked both his ex and her partner on all platforms and warned his family members that she might attempt to get to his son through them.


His family members are conflicted, and some feel he should get the paternity test done just to be sure. For now, he has not heard from his ex-wife in over two months, and his lawyer has assured him that they don't have a case.

The post has so far generated several reactions from other Reddit users, with most of them empathizing with him. Many commenters also advised him to seek counseling services, especially for his son.

Click here to read the story of a man who blamed his own son for his divorce from his wife, who is also the son's mother.

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