Watch 6-Year-Old Memphis Boy's Viral Video with Inspiring Rap Performance to the Classic ABC's
Sam White, a six-year-old boy from Memphis is currently making headlines for his amazing rap song where he used the ABCs to inspire other children about their career options.
While the world is still learning how to survive during the ongoing pandemic, a young boy from Memphis is inspiring other kids with his ABC rap song. Sam White went viral overnight with the video of him rapping while using the alphabet.
The video was uploaded on Facebook by the boy's father, Bobby White, and the footage captured the father and son's epic performance in their dining room. Bobby began with an introduction where he asked Sam if he was ready to tell people what they could be as grown-ups.
His father made the beat for the song by clapping, and the six-year-old rapped about the various careers available to children starting from the letter A to Z, with a unique description of each job.
[Sam] enjoys playing with Lego, which fuels his passion for building and his ambition to become an architect.
According to Bobby's caption, his son did the song without using a teleprompter but his remarkable memory. The proud father tagged the song as "YouCanBeABCs" and revealed that Sam wrote the lyrics with him.
The young boy showcased his memory skills when he recited the 39 books of the Old Testament in the Bible for Fox's Amy Speropoulos. Surprisingly, Sam doesn't want to become a rapper but "an architect, governor, or president."
According to his mother, Sam began reading at age 2 and the ABC song was written by her husband and son not for the joy of going viral but as a means of teaching the six-year-old about various careers.
The video has received over 190,000 shares and the lyrics are aimed at inspiring the younger generation to dream big and achieve their goals. Sam also advised people with the cool line:
"Just don’t be a zombie, don’t let the world pass you by."
His message was widely received by adults and children alike. From being an architect to a truck mechanic, the six-year-old told the world nothing was too small.
Sam hails from Memphis, Tennessee and he's a first-grader. He enjoys playing with Lego, which fuels his passion for building and his ambition to become an architect.
According to his mother, the six-year-old doesn't watch TV except on Fridays and spends his time doing "creative things." His father disclosed in an interview that he wanted his son to learn about the various careers available because that knowledge would help not only Sam but other kids to improve academically once they had a goal to achieve.