
Man Gifts His Family DNA Test Kits & Uncovers Scandalous Family History — Here's What Happened

Rebelander Basilan
Dec 31, 2020
04:20 P.M.

A man had the wild idea of gifting his whole family with DNA test kits. It almost ruined their Christmas after it led to the revelation of a long-kept family secret.


A Reddit user has shared an interesting incident that happened to his family during Christmas. What he thought was a great gift turned into something that created family tension.

It was Christmas 2018. The man saw that AncestryDNA had a sale on their popular DNA kit. He thought it was a great gift idea so he bought six kits for Christmas presents.

A Christmas present being handed over. | Photo: Pixabay

A Christmas present being handed over. | Photo: Pixabay

When Christmas Eve came, his whole family gathered to exchange gifts. He handed over his presents to his mom, dad, brother, and two sisters. After opening their gifts, his mom began to freak out. He recounted:

"She told us how she didn't want us taking them because they had unsafe chemicals."

A woman wearing a gray sweater and looking sad. | Photo: Pexels

A woman wearing a gray sweater and looking sad. | Photo: Pexels

When the kids explained to her that the kits did not have chemicals, she tried to convince them that only one of the kids need to take the DNA test since they will all have the same results.

His story thankfully had a happy ending.

A photo of a couple and their newborn baby. | Photo: Pixabay

A photo of a couple and their newborn baby. | Photo: Pixabay


She added that they could resell the unused kits to save money. The Reddit user then shared that their parents went on to have a heated discussion upstairs, while the kids started talking about them having different dads.

A little later, their parents revealed that his sister's father passed away shortly after she was born. The Reddit user's father came to his mom's life and helped her through her grief.

An image of DNA under a microscope. | Photo: Pixabay

An image of DNA under a microscope. | Photo: Pixabay

They fell in love and created the rest of their family. They did not share this with the kids because it was very difficult for his mom. The Reddit user added:

"Last night she was strong to share stories and photos with us for the first time."

A woman looking through a microscope. | Photo: Pixabay

A woman looking through a microscope. | Photo: Pixabay

His story thankfully had a happy ending. He said they became closer together as a family that night. He said it was a Christmas they will never forget. They also went on to take the tests.

In another family drama shared on Reddit, a man decided to skip his brother's wedding because the latter did not invite his wife. Read on to find out the events that unfolded after.

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