Daily Joke: Three Men Are Standing at a Train Station
Three men stood at a train station, engrossed in deep conversation and being so carried away, they almost missed the train. Read on to see the hilarious ending.
Three men were standing at a train station enjoying a little bit of chit-chat as they waited for its arrival. Getting so absorbed by the conversation, they did not realize when the train came in.
As it was moving away from the stop, they all ran towards the door, hoping to get on before it was too late. Two of them were able to jump on the train while the third was unfortunately left on the platform.

Three men walking together at the subway station. | Photo: Getty Images
A passerby walked up to him and remarked that his friends were so fast, and the man responded that they had been there to escort him to the train!
This tale vaguely calls to memory the hilarious story of a blonde teacher who was waiting at the train station with her third graders, getting ready for a fun school trip. After she and the class waited for close to three hours, she could no longer bear it and walked up to the staff.
Angrily, she spat that she did not care what anyone said, that she and the third graders were getting on the next train even if it had first and second class written on it!
Another story closely related to the three men's tale is yet another one about a set of three men. In this one, they had all checked into a hotel after a long day of traveling.
On getting to the reception, they were told that they had to climb 75 flights of stairs to get to their room because the elevator was out of order.
Trying to make light of the situation, one of the men suggested that they get engaged in something interesting to pass the time. So it was settled that he tells jokes, the second was to sing songs, and the third was to tell sad stories.

Three men moving up the stairs. | Photo: Getty Images
On the first 25 flights, the first man played his part with the jokes, the second man sang on the second 25 flights, and the third told a series of sad stories for 24 flights.
However, when they reached the 75th flight, he told the saddest story of all. Turning to his friends, he revealed that he forgot their room key at the reception.
With this clumsiness, it is easy to remember another story of three drunk men who boarded a taxi after a night of heavy drinking, much to the distaste of the driver.
Trying to get rid of them, he immediately thought up a cunning plan. He switched on the engine and turned it off again, telling the men they had reached their destination.
Remarkably, his plan worked, and the first guy paid him for the supposed fair. The second enthusiastically thanked him, while the third gave him a very hard slap across the face.
Shocked and thinking he had been caught, the driver inquired why he was slapped. The third drunk immediately responded, telling the man not to go so fast next time because he nearly got them all killed!
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