Daily Joke: Two Bowling Teams of Blondes and Brunettes Charter a Double-Decker Bus
A double-decker bus took two bowling teams — one all blondes and one all brunettes — to an Atlantic City bowling tournament over the weekend. All of them were excited.
During the bus ride, the brunette team rode on the bus's bottom level, and the blonde team on the top level. Down below, the brunette team was whooping it up and having a blast.
Before long, one of them noticed that she couldn't hear anything from the blondes upstairs. The woman realized there must be something amiss at the time, so she went to find out.

Driver's hand on steering wheel. | Photo: Pexels
Upon reaching the top, the Brunette found the blonde team staring straight ahead at the road. Having absolutely no control over themselves, the blondes clutched their seats with white knuckles.
"What is going on up here?" asked the Brunette. "We're having so much fun down there!" Despite being completely taken aback, one of the blondes cried, "Yeah. However, you've got a driver!"
Three women are on death row: a Brunette, a Redhead, and a Blonde. A few days before their execution, the prisoners were each delivered a letter from the judge.
In his letter, the judge stated that since they have been well-behaved, he would allow them to choose whether they would be killed by lethal injection or by electric chair.
The Brunette went first, deciding to die on an electric chair, but it malfunctioned, so she was freed. As she watched, the Redhead selected the chair, but it malfunctioned again, so she was also freed.

A judge working on his laptop. | Photo: Pexels
Later, the Blonde was in the hot seat. Responding to the question of what she had decided, the woman explained that she chose lethal injection because the electric chair is broken.
One night, the Redhead, the Brunette, and the Blonde decided to swim across the English channel. After drinking at the pub, their conversation was interrupted by a wild idea.

A picture of three women facing an ocean. | Photo: Pixabay
After drinking heavily, the women decided to attempt a swim across the English channel. They hoped it would be the most exciting journey to embark on, so they headed to the English coast.
They had come to a conclusion, after much discussion, that the fastest way to swim across the English channel was to do the breaststroke. Things were a bit crazy at that point.
After reaching the French coast, the Redhead lost sight of the two other swimmers just off the English coast. She then stopped swimming to wait for the Blonde and the Brunette.

A picture of an ocean. | Photo: Pixabay
After waiting on the beach for hours and hours, the Redhead finally saw the Brunette. She asked what took her so long. The Brunette said that strong currents prevented her from getting out faster.
The Brunette asked the Redhead if she was the last one in line. The Redhead said no, as she had not yet seen the Blonde. Having no other swimmer in sight, they decided to wait.
Several days went by, and the Blonde never appeared. The Redhead and the Brunette waited on the beach for their beloved friend to surface. They also grew worried.
After five days, the Blonde finally made it to the French coast. When asked what had taken her so long, the Blonde answered: "How could you expect otherwise, guys? You cheated. You used your hands!"
Source: Jokes Of The Day