Daily Joke: Wife Asks Husband to Buy Organic Vegetables from the Market
A married woman asked her husband to pick up organic vegetables from the market, but he was having trouble getting some.
A married woman was craving organic vegetables, so she instructed her husband to pick some up from the market on his way back from work.

Source: Amomama
After work, the man headed to the market to do her bidding, but after several minutes of aimless searching, the man came up empty.

A couple holding hands | Photo: Freepik
It seemed the organic vegetables were out of stock so he quickly thought of a solution. The man grabbed an old, tired-looking employee and asked him if he knew whether the available vegetables had been sprayed with poison.
The employee was shocked, but he told the man that they were not and if he wished them to be, he would have to do it himself.
A man was indoors watching TV while his wife was busy outdoors mowing the lawn. Sometime later, he worked up the energy to approach his wife with the question of what they would have for dinner.
She was irritated because she had been working all day while he sat in an air-conditioned room watching TV, so she replied harshly by asking him to imagine she was out of town and figure it out himself.
The man returned to the house, made himself a large steak with potatoes, garlic bread, and a tall glass of iced tea. The wife walked in to meet him dining on it, and she requested for her portion.
Unfortunately, the man did not fix her any meal because he assumed she was out of town.
A man complained to the doctor about how his wife seems to lose her temper without provocation, but the doctor assured him that there was a cure for the behavior.
He told the man to take a glass of water and keep it in his mouth each time she flares up. He was to keep it there until she either left the room or calmed down.
Two weeks later, the man returned, looking like a changed man. He came to give his testimony about the method, so the doctor explained, "the water itself does nothing. It's keeping your mouth shut that does the trick."
Read another joke about a couple who made a wish after being married for 40 years.
Sources: Laffgaff, Startsat60, Startsat60